Archive: Page 1
Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan Found Guilty
Caption by Ashmar Mandou After 11 days of jury deliberation, former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan has been found guilty of 10 counts of federal corruption charges including conspiracy, wire… Read more
Cicero Safe Space Resolution
President Larry Dominick and the Town of Cicero have taken a strong stand defending the rights of all residents, including undocumented residents. In 2008, Cicero adopted the “Safe Space Resolution”… Read more
Cirque du Soleil Presents Reimagined OVO
By: Ashmar Mandou From butterflies dazzling in mystical lights to hypnotic spiders twisting into various shapes, Cirque du Soleil’s reimagined OVO returns to elevate the imagination of Chicago audiences. After… Read more
Chicago’s Leading Nature and Wildlife Institutions Pledge to Save Endangered Species for Reverse the Red Day
Chicago’s leading nature and wildlife institutions—Brookfield Zoo Chicago, Chicago Botanic Garden, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum of the Chicago Academy of Sciences (Nature Museum), Shedd Aquarium, and The Morton Arboretum—are pledging… Read more
After School Matters to Provide Thousands of Teens Paid Programs This Spring
Teens can apply to hundreds of programs across the city this spring through After School Matters®. Program opportunities are available to teens in the arts, communications and leadership, sports, and… Read more
Citibank Open’s Newest Branch in Pilsen Community
By: Ashmar Mandou Recently, Citibank, 2503 W. Cermak Rd., hosted a grand opening of their newest branch located in the Pilsen neighborhood. Citibank now has 56 branches conveniently located throughout… Read more
Bally’s Chicago Casino Launches Anti-Human Trafficking Employee Training Program
Bally’s Chicago Casino is taking an aggressive step toward fighting human trafficking by launching a comprehensive anti-human trafficking employee training program. In recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Bally’s Chicago… Read more
Principales Instituciones de Naturaleza y Vida Silvestre de Chicago se Comprometen a Salvar Especies en Peligro de Extinción para Revertir el Día Rojo
Las principales instituciones de naturaleza y vida silvestre de Chicago – Brookfield Zoo Chicago, Chicago Botanic Garden, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum of the Chicago Academy of Sciences (Nature Museum), Shedd… Read more
After School Matters Ofrecerá Programas Pagados a Miles de Adolescentes esta Primavera
Los adolescentes pueden solicitar cientos de programas en la ciudad esta primavera a través del Programa After Shcool Matters®, con oportunidades disponibles para los jóvenes en artes, comunicaciones y liderazgo,… Read more
Citibank Abre Nueva Sucursal en la Comunidad de Pilsen
Por Ashmar Mandou Recientemente, Citibank, 2503 W. Cermak Rd., organizó la gran apertura de su más reciente sucursal en el barrio de Pilsen. Citibank tiene ahora 56 sucursales convenientemente localizadas… Read more
El Casino Bally’s Chicago Lanza Programa de Capacitación para Empleados Contra la Trata de Personas
El Casino Ballly’s Chicago está tomando medidas agresivas hacia el tráfico de personas, lanzando un programa integral de capacitación de empleados contra la trata de personas. En reconocimiento del Mes… Read more
ComEd Energy Assistance Ambassadors Helping Communities
By: Ashmar Mandou The ComEd’s Community Energy Assistance Ambassador (CEAA) program, which connects families with utility bill-support options, launched in 2020 during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, the CEAA… Read more
Record $36 Million Raised for Charity at the 2024 Bank of America Chicago Marathon
The Bank of America Chicago Marathon announced on Tuesday that 2024 participants raised $36 million for local, national and global nonprofits, the highest fundraising total in event history. Since 2002,… Read more
Organizations File Lawsuit Against Raids
By: Ashmar Mandou Earlier this week, several organizations banded together to file a lawsuit against the Trump Administration’s plans to carry out immigration raids in Chicago. The Illinois Coalition for… Read more
2025 Chicago Auto Show Honors First Responders and Military with Special Show Day
Chicago Auto Show organizers will host a First Responders and Military Appreciation Day on Tues., Feb 11. On this day, all first responders (police officers, EMTs, paramedics and firefighters) and… Read more
Embajadores de Asistencia Energética de ComEd Ayudan a las Comunidades
Por: Ashmar Mandou El programa de Los Embajadores de Asistencia Energética Comunitaria de ComEd (CEAA) que conecta a las familias con opciones de apoyo de cuentas utilitarias, fue lanzado en… Read more
Organizaciones Presentan Demanda Contra Redadas
Por: Ashmar Mandou A principios de esta semana, varias organizaciones se reunieron para poner una demanda contra los planes de la Administración Trump de hacer redadas de inmigración en Chicago…. Read more
Chicago Auto Show 2025 Rinde Homenaje a Socorristas y Militares con un Día de Exhibición Especial
Los organizadores de Chicago Auto Show ofrecerán un Día de Aprecio a Socorristas y Militares el martes, 11 de febrero. En este día, todos los socorristas (oficiales de policía, EMTs,… Read more
Congressman Garcia Shares Information in Spanish about Immigrant Rights
As Donald Trump takes office and in light of remarks from officials who will be part of his administration to make Chicago “ground zero” for deportations, Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Garcia… Read more
Rogers Park Business Alliance Creates New Business Empowerment Center
By: Ashmar Mandou Rogers Park Business Alliance excitedly announces a new State of Illinois Economic Empowerment Center will be opening their doors to the community, among other expansions of its… Read more
Violence Prevention RFP Now Open
Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) is inviting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from organizations to enhance trauma-informed victim services across the city. The initiative will expand support available to those… Read more
Stay Warm in the Cold This Weekend
The City of Chicago maintains warming centers on weekdays when temperatures are 32 degrees and below, and libraries and Chicago Parks District facilities are open for those who need shelter… Read more
El Congresista García Comparte Información en Español Sobre los Derechos de los Inmigrantes
Al tomar Donald Trump la oficina y en vista de las palabras de los funcionarios que serán parte de su administración, de convertir a Chicago en la “zona cero” de… Read more
Rogers Park Business Alliance Crea Nuevo Centro de Empoderamiento Empresarial
Por Ashmar Mandou Rogers Park Business Alliance anuncia con entusiasmo que un nuevo Centro de Empoderamiento Económico del Estado de Illinois abrirá sus puertas a la comunidad, entre otras ampliaciones… Read more
Manténgase Abrigado este Fin de Semana
La Ciudad de Chicago mantiene centros de calentamiento entre semana, cuando las temperaturas están a 32 grados y menos y las bibliotecas y las instalaciones del Distrito de Parques de… Read more
IEMA-OHS Encourages Testing During Radon Action Month
With no scent, color, or taste, radon is a stealthy killer. In fact, it’s the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. “January is National Radon Action Month… Read more
Commissioner George Cardenas Encourages Taxpayers to Appeal Their Property Value Assessments Before Deadline
Homeowners in Jefferson Township have until January 17th to appeal their property’s assessed value to the Cook County Board of Review. Appealing with the Board of Review is a free service… Read more
The International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago Announces First Concert of Their 2025 Latino Music Series
A pianist since the age of four, Heloísa Fernandes made her international debut to critical acclaim at Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston, South Carolina in 2008, three years after releasing… Read more
‘Protect Sanctuary City’ -Activists Fight Against Welcoming City Changes
By: Ashmar Mandou City leaders and activists rallied on Monday to protest the proposal that would amend Chicago’s sanctuary city rules. The amendment to the Welcoming City Ordinance would allow… Read more
El Comisionado George Cárdenas Insta a los Contribuyentes a Apelar las Tasaciones del Valor de sus Propiedades Antes de la Fecha Límite
Los propietarios en Jefferson Township tienen hasta el 17 de enero para apelar las evaluaciones del valor de su propiedad a la Junta de Revisiones del Condado de Cook. La… Read more
‘Protejan a la Ciudad Santuario’ -Activistas Luchan Contra Cambios en Ciudades Santuario
Por Ashmar Mandou Líderes y activistas de la ciudad hicieron una manifestación el lunes para protestar la propuesta que enmendaría las reglas de la cudad santuario de Chicago. La enmienda… Read more
New Pathways to Wellness Initiative Looks to Build Enrollment in Graduate Healthcare Programs
Empowering more students, particularly Latine students, to pursue advanced degrees in healthcare is the goal of a new academic initiative from Dominican University. As the recipient of a five-year, $3… Read more
Illinois DCFS Offers Post-Secondary Scholarships to Current and Former Youth in Care
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is currently accepting applications for the 2025 DCFS Scholarship Program. Through the program, a minimum of 53 academic scholarships will be… Read more
Vision for New Year
By: Ashmar Mandou January marks an important time for a fresh start, for goal-setting, self-reflection, personal growth. While the more popular resolutions include healthier living, being happy, exercising, career goals,… Read more
North Lawndale’s Reawakening
By: Ashmar Mandou Since its inception in 1987, Lawndale Christian Community Church, currently Lawndale Christian Development Corporation (LCDC), has been at the forefront of addressing social issues and building, eliminating… Read more
Perspectiva de Año Nuevo
Por Ashmar Mandou Enero marca un momento importante para un nuevo comienzo, para fijar metas, autoreflexionar y lograr crecimiento personal. Aunque las resoluciones más populares incluyen una vida más saludable,… Read more
Renacer de North Lawndale
Por Ashmar Mandou Desde su inicio en 1987, Lawndale Christian Community Church, actualmente Lawndale Christian Development Corporation (LCDC) ha sido el frente para atender problemas sociales y establecer, eliminar disparidades… Read more
City of Chicago to Make Investments in Chicago’s Future
By: Ashmar Mandou After a tumultuous back and forth between Mayor Brandon Johnson and elected officials, the City of Chicago approved its 2025 budget, a financial plan that aims to… Read more
Reps. García and Grijalva Demand Answers from DHS on Use of AI in Immigration Decision-Making
Representatives Jesús “Chuy” García (IL-04) and Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) sent a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, Chief Information Officer Eric Hysen, and Office of Management and… Read more
New Law Expands Reproductive Rights
An expansion on an Illinois law takes effect January 1st that prohibits discrimination based on a person’s reproductive health decisions, including fertility care and abortion. Illinois continues to lead nationally… Read more
Giannoulias Unveils Relocated and Reimagined Lombard DMV
One of the state’s busiest DMVs has relocated and is now offering 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week renewal services through the state’s first drive-through DMV kiosk. The new facility uses a data-driven design… Read more
Nueva Ley Amplía los Derechos Reproductivos
La ampliación en una ley de Illinois entra en efecto el 1º de enero y prohibe la discriminación basada en decisiones de salud reproductiva de la persona, incluyendo atención de… Read more
Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions
By: Ashmar Mandou For many, the start of a new year marks the beginning of a new era, a new chapter. While changes and new habits can occur, it may… Read more
In Keeping with Holiday Tradition CTA Is Ushering In 2025 with Free Rides on New Year’s Eve
CTA is partnering again with Miller Lite to offer the New Year’s Eve Free Rides on trains and buses to customers from 10 p.m., December 31, until 4 a.m. on… Read more
Jiménez Highlights Healthy Meal Opportunities for Students in Need During Holiday Break
State Rep. Lilian Jiménez, D-Chicago, is highlighting three community organizations opening their doors to local students in need of healthy meals during Chicago Public Schools’ winter break through the city’s… Read more
Apply Now to Chicago Park District Jobs and Be Set for Summer
The Chicago Park District is announcing the opening of the summer job application for lifeguards earlier than ever in its history to ensure that it is ready and prepared to… Read more
Cumpla Sus Propósitos de Año Nuevo
Por Ashmar Mandou Para muchos, el comienzo de un nuevo año marca el comienzo de una nueva era, de un nuevo capítulo. Aunque pueden ocurrir cambios y nuevos hábitos, puede… Read more
Siguiendo la Tradición Navideña, la CTA da la Bienvenida al Año 2025 con Viajes Gratis La Víspera de Año Nuevo
La CTA se asocia una vez más con Miller Lite para ofrecer a los clientes viajes gratis la víspera de Año Nuevo en los trenes y autobuses, de 10 p.m…. Read more
La Rep. Jiménez Destaca la Oportunidad de Comidas Saludables para Estudiantes Necesitados Durante Las Vacaciones Navideñas
La Rep. Estatal Lilian Jiménez D-Chicago, destaca tres organizaciones comunitarias que abren sus puertas a estudiantes locales que necesitan comidas saludables durante las vacaciones navideñas de las Escuelas Públicas de… Read more
Illinois Minimum Wage Increasing on January 1
Most hourly workers will see an increase of $1 an hour on their paystubs Workers will see an increase of $1 per hour from $14 to $15. The minimum wage… Read more
Join Humboldt Park Health’s Holiday Coat Giveaway
Humboldt Park Health (HPH) is excited to announce its annual Holiday Coat Giveaway, a heartwarming event aimed at supporting families in need during the holiday season. This year, the event… Read more
‘Christmas at Cantigny’ Now Open
A holiday wonderland awaits visitors to Christmas at Cantigny. This holiday treat includes dazzling new light installations set to music in the gardens, the McCormick House decorated in French flair, a new… Read more
Help Spread Holiday Cheer at El Hogar del Niño
By: Ashmar Mandou With the holidays just around the corner, El Hogar del Niño is calling on the community to help spread some joy to more than 300 children through… Read more
Count the Ways to Ring in the New Year at Navy Pier
Navy Pier and its partners are pulling out all the stops to celebrate the New Year in signature Chicago style. From rocking parties to sophisticated soirees and captivating cruises, a… Read more
End of Birthright Citizenship
By: Ashmar Mandou On Day 1 of his second term, President-elect Donald Trump vows he will end birthright citizenship, but many are claiming it may prove challenging due to what… Read more
Advocate Health Care Establishes New Program to Expand Medication Access for Eligible Patients Through Free Prescription Program
Advocate Health Care is taking a significant step to address disparities in medication access through a vital collaboration with Dispensary of Hope. The non-profit organization provides free, essential medications to… Read more
La Comisión de la Bandera Estatal Selecciona sus 10 Mejores Diseños para Votación Pública
La Comisión de la Bandera de Illinois seleccionó a sus 10 mejores finalistas para el concurso del rediseño de la bandera estatal, con el voto público programado a comenzar en… Read more
Cruceros de Nochevieja y Año Nuevo
Zarpe con City Cruises Chicago y celebre el Año Nuevo con un lujoso brunch o cena en crucero. Los cruceros con cena de Nochevieja son experiencias con barra libre para… Read more
Advocate Health Care Establece un Nuevo Programa Para Ampliar el Acceso a Medicamentos Para Pacientes Elegibles en el Programa de Recetas Gratuitas
Advocate Health Care está dando importante paso para atender las disparidades en el acceso a medicamentos a través de la vital colaboración con Dispensary of Hope. La organización no lucrativa… Read more
Governor Pritzker Appoints Dr. Teresa Ramos to Lead Inaugural Secretary of Illinois Department of Early Childhood
By: Ashmar Mandou First Assistant Deputy Governor for Education in the Governor’s Office Dr. Teresa Ramos was recently named to head the inaugural Secretary of Illinois Department of Early Childhood,… Read more
Free Doula Program Launches in Cook County
By: Ashmar Mandou Cook County Health officials on Tuesday launched a new program that will address the county’s high maternal mortality crisis. Officials announced the start of free doula care… Read more
Advocates of Humboldt Park’s Encampment Call on City for Support
Caption by Ashmar Mandou Supporters of the Humboldt Park tent encampment rallied together on Wednesday for a press conference urging the City of Chicago to halt the upcoming plans to… Read more
Shedd Aquarium’s Wonder of Water Exhibit Opens
For the third time in Shedd Aquarium’s nearly 100-year history, the iconic rotunda space is evolving into the Wonder of Water exhibit – a gallery that sets the tone for… Read more
El Gobernador Pritzker Nombra a la Dra. Teresa Ramos Secretaria Inaugural del Departamento de Primera Infancia de Illinois
Por Ashmar Mandou La Primera Asistente Adjunta del Gobernador para Educación en la Oficina del Gobernador, Dra. Teresa Ramos, fue recientemente nombrada Secretaria inaugural del Departamento de Primera Infancia de… Read more
Programa Gratuito de Doulas en el Condado de Cook
Por Ashmar Mandou Funcionarios de Salud del Condado de Cook, lanzaron el martes un nuevo programa que atenderá la alta crisis de maternidad maternal en el condado. Los funcionarios anunciaron… Read more
Defensores del Campamento de Humboldt Park Piden Apoyo a la Ciudad
Texto de Ashmar Mandou Defensores del campamento de tiendas de Campaña de Humboldt Park se reunieron el miércoles en una conferencia de prensa exhortando a la Ciudad de Chicago a… Read more
Se Inaugura la Exposición Wonder of Water del Acuario Shedd
Por tercera vez en la historia de cerca de 100 años del Acuario Shedd, el icónico espacio de la rotonda se convierte en la exhibición Wonder of Water (Maravilla de… Read more
Practicing Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Thanksgiving is a time for family traditions and delicious meals, however it is also a superb time for reflection on all the goodness in our lives…. Read more
Soup Kitchens Open on Thanksgiving Day
St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish Providence Soup Kitchen 1327 N. Noble Street Providence Soup Kitchen, a ministry of the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence, opened its doors to the homeless… Read more
New Program Aims to Rebuild Disinvested Communities
By: Ashmar Mandou Recently, the City of Chicago unveiled plans to revitalize disinvested communities with the help of the Chicago Department of Housing (DOH) and the launch of Rebuild 2.0,… Read more
Think Safety in the Kitchen this Thanksgiving Day
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) on Thanksgiving Day alone, an estimated 1,610 home cooking fires were reported to U.S. fire departments in 2022, reflecting a 399 percent… Read more
Comedores Populares Abiertos el Día de Acción de Gracias
St. Stanislaus Kostka Parich Providence Soup Kitchen 1327 N. Noble St. Providence Soup Kitchen, ministerio de las Hijas de St. Mary of Providence, abrió sus puertas a los desamparados y… Read more
Cómo Practicar la Gratitud este Día de Gracias
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou El Día de Acción de Gracias es un día para tradiciones familiares y deliciosas comidas, sin embargo, también es un muy buen momento para reflexionar en… Read more
Nuevo Programa Busca Reconstruir Comunidades Desinvertidas
Por Ashmar Mandou Recientemente, la Ciudad de Chicago reveló planes para revitalizar comunidades desinvertidas con la ayuda del Departamento de la Vivienda de Chicago (DOH) y el lanzamiento de Rebuild… Read more
Piense en la Seguridad en la Cocina este Día de Acción de Gracias
El Día de Acción de Gracias es el día en que se producen más incendios domésticos que involucran equipos de cocina, cuatro veces la cantidad promedio. De acuerdo a National… Read more
CDPH Celebrates Reopening of Pilsen South Ashland Health Hub
By: Ashmar Mandou Elected officials, including Mayor Brandon Johnson, Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez, and Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez, and members of the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) celebrated the grand re-opening… Read more
Raising Awareness for Youth Facing Homelessness
By: Ashmar Mandou Despite lower temperatures, Chicago residents will brave the bitter cold for an honorable cause, Covenant House Illinois’ annual Sleep Out Chicago event. Thursday evening, the Chicago community… Read more
Salt Creek Ballet’s Production of ‘The Nutcracker’ Returns to The MAC
Salt Creek Ballet’s “The Nutcracker,” under the direction of Artistic Directors Erica De La O and Kristopher Wojtera, returns to the McAninch Arts Center (MAC) with performances at 1 and… Read more
Crain’s Chicago Business Names the Morton Arboretum’s Dr. Silvia Alvarez-Clare a Notable Latino Leader
The Morton Arboretum’s Director of the Global Tree Conservation Program Silvia Alvarez-Clare, Ph.D., was honored among Crain’s Chicago Business 2024 Notable Latino Leaders, presented in its Nov. 18 edition. The… Read more
La Producción de “El Cascanueces” del Ballet de Salt Creek Regresa al MAC
“El Cascanueces” del Ballet de Salt Creek, bajo la dirección de los Directores Artísticos Erica De La O y Kristopher Wojtera, regresa a McAninch Arts Center (MAC) con actuaciones a… Read more
Crain’s Chicago Business Nombra a la Dra. Silvia Álvarez-Clare del Morton Arboretum Como Destacada Líder Latina
La directora del Programa Global de Conservación de Árboles del Morton Arboretum, Silvia Álvarez-Clare, Ph.D., fue distinguida entre los Líderes Latinos Notables de Crain’s Chicago Business 2024, presentada en su… Read more
Concientización Sobre los Jóvenes que Enfrentan la Falta de Vivienda
Por: Ashmar Mandou A pesar de las bajas temperaturas, los residentes de Chicago enfrentan el frío por una honorable causa, el evento anual Sleep Out Chicago de Covenant House Illinois…. Read more
1-800-TruckWreck Kicks Off 2024 Holiday Season With Turkey, Grocery, and Coat Giveaways
1-800-TruckWreck is kicking off the holiday season in Chicago with three days of giveaways and community events. The law firm will be hosting a Turkey Giveaway, Grocery Giveaway, and Coat… Read more
Get Into the Holiday Spirit
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Ice Skating at Millennium Park Ice skating returns at Millennium Park this Friday, the go-to spot for all things festive, which returns for its 22nd season… Read more
Immigrants Under Trump
By: Ashmar Mandou With less than two months away from inauguration, President-elect Donald Trump has promised voters mass deportations, leaving the vulnerable immigrant communities with a range of questions, such… Read more
IDPH Seeks to Fill Numerous Positions at Upcoming Springfield Job Fair
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is seeking to fill several positions at its upcoming job fair in Springfield. The event will take place on Tuesday, November 19, 2024,… Read more
Adéntrese en el Espíritu Navideño
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Patinaje sobre Hielo en el Millennium Park El patinaje sobre hielo regresa al Millennium Park este viernes, lugar de referencia para todo lo festivo, que regresa… Read more
Los Inmigrantes Bajo Trump
Por: Ashmar Mandou Con menos de dos meses para la inauguración, el Presidente electo Donald Trump ha prometido a los votants deportaciones en masa, dejando a las vulnerables comuniddes inmigrantes… Read more
IDPH Busca Cubrir Numerosos Puestos en la Próxima Feria de Empleo de Springfield
El Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois (IDPH) busca llenar varias posiciones en su próxima feria de empleos en Springfield. El evento tendrá lugar el martes, 19 de noviembre, 2024,… Read more
Mayor Brandon Johnson Announces Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
Mayor Brandon Johnson presented the City of Chicago’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget, outlining a comprehensive plan that prioritizes strategic and equitable investments in affordable housing, mental health services, public safety… Read more
Cicero Police Department Hosts Identity Theft Prevention Seminar for Seniors
The Cicero Police Department hosted an informative seminar on Identity Theft Prevention on October 25th at 10a.m., at the Cicero Senior Center, located at 5631 W. 35th Street. This event… Read more
Election Results
By: Ashmar Mandou Former President Donald Trump defeated Vice President Kamala Harris, a stunning outcome for most who believed Harris would take the White House. According to CNN projections, Trump… Read more
Illinois DCFS Honors Adoptive Parents During Adoption Awareness Month
Governor JB Pritzker has proclaimed November Adoption Awareness Month, and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is celebrating the lifelong commitment thousands of families across the state… Read more
What’s on the Ballot
By: Ashmar Mandou Election Day is November 5th in Illinois, and early voting is already underway in Cook County. Aside for the race for president, voters in Illinois will decide U.S…. Read more
Lo Que Hay en la Boleta
Por Ashmar Mandou El Día de las Elecciones es el 5 de noviembre en Illinois y la votación temprana está en marcha en el Condado de Cook. Además de la… Read more
Keep Trick or Treaters Safe this Halloween
Halloween is just days away and kids will soon be out in their neighborhoods for trick or treat fun. The American Red Cross offers tips parents can follow to help… Read more
Attorney General Raoul Reminds Families to Check Sex-Offender Registry to Ensure a Safe Halloween
Attorney General Kwame Raoul is reminding parents and guardians to check the state’s sex offender registry before finalizing Halloween plans and determining trick-or-treat routes for their children. With many families planning Halloween… Read more
Gads Hill Center Welcomes New CEO
By Ashmar Mandou Recently, Gads Hill Center announced the appointment of Mariana Osoria as the new CEO, effective this month. “We at Gads Hill are proud to continue our work… Read more
Mantenga Seguros a los Niños que Piden Dulces este Halloween
Halloween está aquí y los niños andarán por los vecindarios pidiendo dulces y divirtiéndose. La Cruz Roja Estadounidense ofrece consejos que los padres pueden seguir para ayudar a mantener a… Read more
El Procurador General Raoul Recuerda a las Familias que Consulten el Registro de Delincuentes Sexuales para Garantizar un Halloween Seguro
El Procurador General Kwame Raoul recuerda a padres y tutores que revisen el registro de delincuentes sexuales antes de finalizar sus planes de Halloween y determinar las rutas a seguir… Read more
ComEd, Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Award 24 Grants to Support Holiday Light Events in Northern Illinois
The festive season is fast approaching, bringing with it opportunities for communities to come together and spread cheer. To support local holiday light displays across northern Illinois, ComEd and the… Read more
State Legislators, Health Advocates, CPS Parent Celebrate Success of First-in-Nation Plant-Based School Lunch Law
State legislators and Chicago City Council members alongside school leaders and health advocates celebrated the plant-based school lunch law that has led to more than 1,000 students across 278 Illinois… Read more
Chicago Closes Migrant-Only Shelters
By: Ashmar Mandou City of Chicago will no longer hold a migrant-only shelter system, Mayor Brandon Johnson announced during a press conference on Monday. Instead, the City will merge migrants… Read more
Halloween Guide
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Halloween Parade The Haunted Halsted Halloween Parade, will be held in the heart of the Northalsted neighborhood on Halloween night. The wild procession kicks off on Halsted Street… Read more
Legisladores Estatales, Defensores de la Salud y Padres de CPS Celebran el Exito de la Primera Ley de Almuerzos Escolares a Base de Plantas del País
Legisladores del Estado y miembros del Concilio de la Ciudad de Chicago junto con líderes escolares y defensores de la salud, celebraron la ley de almuerzos escolares a base de… Read more
Chicago Cierra Albergues Exclusivos para Migrantes
Por Ashmar Mandou La ciudad de Chicago ya no tendrá un sistema de refugio exclusivo para inmigrantes, anunció el Alcalde Brandon Johnson durante una conferencia de prensa el lunes. En… Read more
Guía de Halloween
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Desfile de Halloween El Desfile de Halloween Haunded Halsted tendrá lugar en el corazón del barrio de Northalsted la noche de Halloween. La salvaje procesión comienza… Read more
Cook County Officials Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
By: Ashmar Mandou As Hispanic Heritage Month draws to a close, the Cook County Commissioners and the Office of the Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle celebrated on October 15th… Read more
Youth Runners Receive Inspiration from Elite Athletes Prior to Bank of America Marathon
Last Wednesday, more than 100+ West Side youth runners ages 7-11 got hands-on running instruction and inspiration from Chicago Marathon record-breakers and Olympic runners at the 3rd annual Bank of America… Read more
Iconic Halloween Parade Returns for 10th Anniversary
By: Ashmar Mandou Artists spanning across Chicago neighborhoods will converge downtown for the 10th Annual Arts in the Dark Halloween parade, which will be the biggest parade, yet. This family-friendly… Read more
Communities in Schools of Chicago Releases First Comprehensive Report on Bullying and Provides Solutions
This October, in recognition of Bullying Prevention Month, CIS of Chicago is releasing an 18-page “Bullying Brief,” which examines current reports about youth social media use, cyberbullying, and mental health… Read more
Funcionarios del Condado de Cook Celebran el Mes de la Herencia Hispana
Por Ashmar Mandou Al acercarse el término del Mes de la Herencia Hispana, los Comisionados del Condado de Cook y la Oficina de la Presidente de la Junta del Condado… Read more
Corredores Jóvenes Reciben Inspiración de Atletas de Elite Antes del Maratón Bank of America
El miércoles pasado, más de 100 corredores jóvenes del West Side de entre 7 y 11 años recibieron instrucción práctica para correr e inspiración de los corredores olímpicos y los… Read more
El Icónico Desfile de Halloween Regresa en su Décimo Aniversario
Por Ashmar Mandou Artistas de todos los barrios de Chicago se reunirán en el centro de la ciudad en el 10º desfile anual de Halloween Arts in the Dark, que… Read more
Communities in Schools of Chicago Publica el Primer Informe Integral Sobre el Acoso Escolar y Ofrece Soluciones
Este octubre, en reconocimiento del Mes de Prevención al Acoso, CIS of Chicago publica un “Bullying Brief, de 18 páginas que examina los actuales reportes sobre el uso de los… Read more
ComEd Urges Local Students to Apply for Colleges, Trades Scholarships Worth Up to $10,000 Each
ComEd announced it is now accepting applications for $175,000 worth of college and trades scholarships made available through its Future of Energy Scholars program. Now through November 3, 2024, students… Read more
Educators Plan to Exit Due to Financial Reasons
Caption by Ashmar Mandou Recently, the Illinois Education Association (IEA), the largest education organization in Illinois, shared date from a Red for Ed membership poll showing nearly 60 percent of… Read more
Hispanic Heritage Month: Nonprofits Making a Difference in Their Communities
By: Ashmar Mandou This week, as we continue our Hispanic Heritage Month series we place a spotlight on the extraordinary work and important role Hispanic/Latino focused non-profit organizations play in… Read more
This Halloween: Berwyn Police Department is Cracking Down on Drunk, Drugged Driving
The Berwyn Police Department urged motorists to commit to sober driving, buckling up and following traffic laws this Halloween, as children and their families walk through neighborhoods after dark for… Read more
ComEd Insta a los Estudiantes Locales a Solicitar Becas Universitarias y Profesionales por un Valor de Hasta $10,000 Cada Una
ComEd anunció estar aceptando solicitudes por un valor de $175,000 en becas universitarias y profesionales disponibles a través del programa Future of Energy Scholars. De ahora hasta el 3 de… Read more
Educadores Planean Salir Debido a Razones Financieras
Texto de Ashmar Mandou Recientemente, la Asociación de Educación de Illinois (IEA), la organización educativa más grande de Illinois, compartió datos de una encuesta de miembros de Red for Ed… Read more
Mes de la Herencia Hispana: Organizaciones No Lucrativas Hacen la Diferencia en sus Comunidades
Por Ashmar Mandou Esta semana, al continuar la serie del Mes de la Herencia Hispana, ponemos especial atención en el extraordinario trabajo e importante papel que las organizaciones no lucrativas,… Read more
Este Halloween: el Departamento de Policía de Berwyn Toma Medidas Enérgicas Contra el Conducir Bajo los Efectos del Alcohol o las Drogas
El Departamento de Policía de Berwyn exhortó a los motoristas a manejar sobrios, con el cinturón de seguridad abrochado y siguiendo las leyes de tráfico este Halloween, ya que los… Read more
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
By: Ashmar Mandou Hispanic Heritage Month started as a commemorative week in 1968; it was later expanded in 1988 to cover a 31-day period. Unlike many commemorative months, Hispanic Heritage… Read more
President Dominick Breaks Ground on 100 Percent Disability Accessible Playground
Town President Larry Dominick broke ground on Monday, Sept 23rd, on the town’s first 100 percent disability accessible playground, joined by officials from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development… Read more
Answering Breast Cancer Related Questions
By: Ashmar Mandou October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and although there is ample information out there, questions still arise over whether to go for routine mammograms or go for… Read more
Villanueva applauds over $420K in library grants coming to the 12th District
State Senator Celina Villanueva recently announced that $424,368 in total has been granted to the Aquinas Literacy Center, Instituto del Progreso Latino, Touch Gift Foundation, and Universidad Popular’s adult and… Read more
Celebrando el Mes de la Herencia Hispana
Por: Ashmar Mandou El Mes de la Herencia Hispana empezó como una semana conmemorativa en 1968, más tarde se amplió en 1988 para cubrir un período de 31 días. A… Read more
Respondiendo Preguntas Relacionadas con el Cáncer de Mama
Por: Ashmar Mandou Octubre es el Mes de Concientización del Cáncer de Mama y aunque existe una amplia información, aún la gente se pregunta si se debe pasar por la… Read more
Villanueva Aplaude más de $420 mil en Subsidios para Bibliotecas que Llegan al Distrito 12
La Senadora Estatal Celina Villanueva anunció recientemente que $424,368 en total han sido subsidiados a Aquinas Literacy Center, Instituto del Progreso Latino, Touch Gift Foundation y los programas de adultos… Read more
Presidential Candidate Rachele Fruit: ‘We need to build a party of Labor’
By: Ashmar Mandou Socialist Workers Party Candidate for U.S. President Rachele Fruit, 74, is no stranger to lending a voice to social justice issues. From participating in movements like protesting… Read more
Griffin MSI Kicks Off the Holiday Season with the Return of Christmas Around the World and Holidays of Light
Griffin Museum of Science and Industry’s (Griffin MSI) beloved annual tradition, Christmas Around the World and Holidays of Light, returns on Saturday, November 16 and runs through Monday, January 6,… Read more
Hispanic Heritage Month: ABC 7 Anchor Mark Rivera
By: Ashmar Mandou ABC 7 Anchor Mark Rivera, alongside his ABC 7 Eyewitness News team, is placing a spotlight on the diversity of the Latino community this Hispanic Heritage Month… Read more
Hispanic Heritage Month: Laura Rodríguez-Romaní
By: Ashmar Mandou Dual-language teacher, Laura Rodríguez-Romaní knows firsthand the importance of representation in the classroom. For five years she educated children in the 3rd through 5th grade and found… Read more
Mes de la Herencia Hispana:El presentador de ABC 7 Mark Rivera
Por Ashmar Mandou El presentador de ABC 7 Mark Rivera, junto con su equipo de ABC 7 Eyewit-ness News, está poniendo el foco en la diversidad de la comunidad latina… Read more
Mes de la Herencia Hispana: Laura Rodríguez-Romaní
Por Ashmar Mandou La maestra de doble idioma, Laura Rodríguez-Romaní conoce la importancia de la representación en el salón de clase. Por cinco años educó a los niños del 3º… Read more
Hispanic Heritage Month: Director of External Affairs and Partnerships at Oncourse Home Solutions Marguerite Hillock
By: Ashmar Mandou For Aurora native Marguerite Hillock, director of External Affairs and Partnerships at Oncourse Home Solutions, paying it forward is a life motto instilled in her from an… Read more
Para.Mar Dance Theatre Makes Its Premiere Presentation with “/ V. Anthology /”
The Chicago-based contemporary ballet company PARA.MAR Dance Theatre, makes their Studebaker Theater debut with “/ v. anthology /,” 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21. These… Read more
Sinai Chicago Nationally Recognized for Heart Attack Care
Sinai Chicago has received the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines® – Coronary Artery Disease NSTEMI Gold recognition for its commitment to offering rapid, research-based care to people experiencing… Read more
National Hellenic Museum Offers Free Admission, Educational Activities for All Ages During Open House Chicago
The National Hellenic Museum (NHM) in Chicago is offering free admission and educational activities for all ages on Saturday, October 19 and Sunday, October 20, 2024, as an official partner… Read more
Mes de la Herencia Hispana: Directora de Asuntos Externos y Alianzas en Oncourse Home Solutions Marguerite Hillock
Por: Ashmar Mandou Para la nativa de Aurora, Marguerite Hillock, Directora de Asuntos Externos y Asociaciones en Oncourse Home Solutions pagar por adelantado es un lema de vida que le… Read more
Para.Mar Danza Teatro hace su presentación de estreno con “/V.Antología/”
La compañía de ballet contemporáneo con base en Chicago, PARA.MAR Dance Theatre, hace su debut en Studebaker Theater con “/v. antholoty /,” 7:30 p.m. viernes, 20 se septiembre y 7:30… Read more
Sinai Chicago Reconocido a Nivel Nacional por la Atención de Ataques Cardíacos
Sinai Chicago ha recibido el reconocimiento Get With The Guidelines Coronary Artery Disease NSTEMI Gold de American Heart Association, por su compromiso de ofrecer atención rápida basada en investigaciones, a… Read more
El Museo Nacional Helénico Ofrece Entrada Gratuita y Actividades Educativas para Todas las Edades Durante la Jornada de Puertas Abiertas en Chicago
National Hellenic Museum (NHM) en Chicago está ofreciendo admisión gratuita y actividades educativas para todas las edades el sábado, 19 de octubre y el domingo, 20 de octubre del 2024,… Read more
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at Triton College
Triton College is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with several events on campus, including a Student Leadership Symposium and movies in Spanish at the Cernan Earth and Space Center. The Student… Read more
LCDC Addresses Affordable Housing Crisis with Lazarus Apartments
By: Ashmar Mandou Addressing the critical need for affordable housing, the Lawndale Christian Development Corporation (LCDC) unveiled the restoration of the Lazarus Apartments, a 48-unit affordable rental housing development in… Read more
El Grito Returns to Downtown
El Grito Chicago, a vibrant 2-day festival in celebration of Mexican Independence Day returns to Grant Park on Saturday, Sept. 14th and Sunday, Sept. 15th. El Grito Chicago festival tickets… Read more
Chicago Latina Expo Returns
Chicago Latina Expo returns this weekend, September 13th and September 14th for another unforgettable time. This empowering event provides the perfect environment for growth, offering access to valuable resources, knowledge,… Read more
Celebre el Mes de la Herencia Hispana en el Triton College
El Triton College celebra el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con varios eventos en el campus, incluyendo un Simposio de Liderazgo Estudiantil que será el miércoles 25 de septiembre a… Read more
LCDC Aborda la Crisis de Vivienda Asequible con Lazarus Apartments
Por: Ashmar Mandou Atendiendo la urgente necesidad de vivienda asequible, Lawndale Christian Development Corporation (LDCD) develó la restauración de Lazarus Apartments, urbanización de vivienda de renta, asequible, de 48 unidades… Read more
Regresa el Grito al Centro de Chicago
El Grito Chicago, vibrante festival de 2 días en celebración del Día de la Independencia Mexicana regresa al Grant Park el sábado, 14 de septiembre y el domingo, 15 de… Read more
Regresa Chicago Latina Expo
Chicago Latino Expo regresa este fin de semana, 13 y 14 de septiembre para otro momento inolvidable, Este empoderador evento ofrece el ambiente perfecto para el crecimiento, ofreciendo acceso a… Read more
Giannoulias Opens State Flag Redesign Contest
Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias announced that the Illinois Flag Commission will begin accepting public submissions for a new state flag design. The commission will accept design ideas for… Read more
Claim Your Money
By: Ashmar Mandou According to Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs, there is currently $5 billion in unclaimed funds across Illinois with $3.6 billion specifically in Cook County that have yet… Read more
City Releases One Year Assessment of ‘Our City, Our Safety’ Violence Reduction Plan
On Monday the City of Chicago’s Office of Public Safety (MOPS), and the Community Safety Coordination Center (CSCC) released the One Year Assessment of the City of Chicago’s ‘Our City,… Read more
Memorial Day Fun
By: Ashmar Mandou We enter the unofficial start of summer in Chicago with outdoor music festivals, firework displays, numerous parades, and movies in the park. If you are still scrambling… Read more
ComEd EV Rally Returns
After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, ComEd is excited to introduce its latest summer STEM program, the ComEd EV Rally! Young women in Illinois can now apply to… Read more
Lightfoot Announces Process to Fill 24th Ward Vacancy
On Tuesday, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced the process to identify a qualified candidate to become the next Alderman of Chicago’s 24th ward. Interested candidates must have lived in the… Read more
Diversión para el Fin de Semana de Memorial Day
Por: Ashmar Mandou Entramos en el inicio no oficial del verano en Chicago con festivales de música al aire libre, exhibiciones de fuegos artificiales, numerosos desfiles y películas en el… Read more
Vuelve el Rally de Vehículos Eléctricos de ComEd
Después de una pausa de dos años debido a la pandemia, ComEd se complace en presentar lo último del programa STEM del verano, el ComEd EV Rally! Las jóvenes de… Read more
Lightfoot Anuncia el Proceso para Cubrir la Vacante del Distrito 24
El martes, la Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot anunció el proceso para identificar un candidato calificado para ser el próximo Concejal del Distrito 24 de Chicago. Los candidatos interesados deben haber… Read more
State of Illinois Takes Action on Baby Formula Shortage
By: Ashmar Mandou Outrage over the shortage of safe baby formula has spread across the country leaving elected officials scrambling for a solution. On Wednesday morning, the State of Illinois… Read more
Chicago Park District Continues Recruitment for Summer Workforce
The Chicago Park District announced it will offer bonuses to applicants who are offered and accept seasonal employment in an effort to retain qualified candidates to work in the parks… Read more
Chicago Curfew Goes into Effect
By: Ashmar Mandou The City of Chicago announced two curfews for minors goes into effect on May 19th, for those under the age of 18-years-old, following a string of recent… Read more
Entra en Vigor el Toque de Queda en Chicago
Por: Ashmar Mandou La Ciudad de Chicago anunció dos toques de queda para menores, mismos que entran en efecto el 19 de mayo, para quienes tienen menos de 18 años… Read more
Lincoln Park Zoo’s Annual Run for the Zoo 5K/10K Returns
We’re not ‘lion’! Chicago’s favorite, friendly race is less than one month away. On June 5, Lincoln Park Zoo’s 44th annual Run for the Zoo returns in person, uniting the… Read more
Join the Sueños Festival team this Memorial Weekend!
Sueños is hiring 18+ years old candidates who are interested in working and gain experience at Sueños festival. Sueños is seeking staff members who are fluent in Spanish to join… Read more
RuidoFest Returns
RuidoFest returns to beautiful Union Park in Chicago’s West Loop neighborhood for the seventh time this August. The three day festival, known for blurring international borders and reaching US Latino… Read more
Immigrants to Receive Representation in Bond Hearings
By: Ashmar Mandou Immigrants will soon have representation in bond hearings and removal proceedings before the Chicago Immigration Court. In a monumental step, attorneys from the Cook County Public Defender’s… Read more
Cicero Safety Town Reopens
By: Ashmar Mandou Upgrades to Cicero’s Safety Town, 5444 W. 34th St., were on full display during a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday morning where Cicero officials, including Cicero Town President… Read more
¡Únete al Equipo del Festival Sueños Este Fin de Semana Conmemorativo!
Sueños está contratando candidatos de 18 años en adelante interesados en trabajar y tener experiencia en el Festival Sueños. Sueños busca miembros del personal que hablen español para unirse a… Read more
Regresa RuidoFest
RuidoFest regresa al hermoso Union Park en el barrio del West Loop de Chicago por séptima vez este año. El festival de tres días, Conocido por desdibujar las fronteras internacionales… Read more
Los Inmigrantes Serán Representados en las Audiencias de Fianza
Por Ashmar Mandou Los inmigrantes pronto tendrán representación en las audiencias de fianza y procedimientos de deportación ante la Corte de Inmigración de Chicago. En un paso monumental, abogados de… Read more
Greater Chicago Food Depository Resumes the Nourish Project
The Greater Chicago Food Depository revealed its updated timeline to begin construction on an exciting new meal preparation kitchen this summer. Plans to break ground on the 36,700-square-foot facility expansion… Read more
Protests Break Out Over Roe vs. Wade Possible Overturn
By: Ashmar Mandou Pro-Choice and Pro-Life demonstrators took over downtown on Tuesday over the recent leaked draft report suggesting Roe vs. Wade will be overturned. The pro-choice protestors state the… Read more
Race for Peace
Carrera por la Paz (Race for Peace) is 5K Run/walk sponsored by the Rotary Club of Little Village to promote peace in Little Village by involving the community, especially schools,… Read more
Chicago Summer Dance Returns for its 25th Year
The Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) on Wednesday announced the lineup for Chicago SummerDance, a beloved summertime tradition hosted in parks across the city and downtown. After… Read more
Estallan Protestas por Posible Anulación de Roe vs. Wade
Por: Ashmar Mandou Manifestaciones a favor del derecho a elegir y a favor de la vida se apoderaron del centro de la ciudad el martes por el reciente borrador filtrado… Read more
Carrera por la Paz
Carrera por la Paz es una Carrera/Caminata de 5K patrocinada por el Club Rotario de La Villita, para promover la paz en la Villita, involucrando a la comunidad, especialmente a… Read more
SummerDance de Chicago Regresa en su 25ºAño
El Departamento de Asuntos Culturales y Eventos Especiales (DCASE) anunció el miércoles su programa para el SummerDance de Chicago, querida tradición de verano ofrecida en los parques y el centro… Read more
Lincoln Park Zoo to Host Summer Programs
Second Saturday Garden Tours Join fellow nature lovers for a guided tour of Lincoln Park Zoo’s diverse plant life and ecosystems. During each tour, a zoo horticulturist will point out interesting species in bloom,… Read more
City Council Approves Free Gas, Transit Cards for Residents
By: Ashmar Mandou The Chicago City Council Wednesday approved a program, Chicago Moves Program, which will give thousands of Chicago residents from primarily the South and Westside neighborhoods free gas… Read more
Addressing Nationwide Teacher Shortage
By: Ashmar Mandou In an effort to address the nationwide teacher shortage, Governor JB Pritzker signed several bills into law on Wednesday aimed to streamline the licensing process for educators,… Read more
Bidding farewell to Springfield
After more than two decades serving the 1st Senate District, Assistant Majority Leader Antonio “Tony” Munoz (D-Chicago) will finish his career at the end of the 102nd General Assembly. Growing… Read more
El Concilio de la Ciudad Aprueba Tarjetas de Tránsito y Gasolina Gratis para los Residentes
Por Ashmar Mandou El Concilio de la Ciudad de Chicago aprobó el miércoles un programa, Chicago Moves Program, que dará a miles de residentes de Chicago, principalmente de los barrios… Read more
Atendiendo la Escasez de Maestros a Nivel Nacional
Por: Ashmar Mandou En un esfuerzo por atender la escasez de maestros a nivel nacional, el Gobernador JB Pritzker convirtió el miércoles varios proyectos en ley, destinados a facilitar el… Read more
Adiós a Springfield
Después de más de dos décadas de servir en el 1er. Distrito del Senado, el Líder Asistente de las Mayorías Antonio “Tony” Muñoz (D-Chicago) terminará su carrera al final de… Read more
NAWBO Chicago Hosts “The Power of Community”
The National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) Chicago Chapter invites the public to the 39th Annual Celebration of Achievement hybrid in-person/virtual conference, which will take place on April 29… Read more
García, Durbin Call on CTA to Improve Transit Safety for Employees and Passengers
By: Ashmar Mandou Congressman Jesús “Chuy” García (IL-04) a Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and co-founder of the Future of Transportation Caucus, and Senate Majority Whip… Read more
Illinois Updates Mask Guidelines to Align with Federal Court Ruling
By: Ashmar Mandou To coincide with the ending of the enforcement of the federal mask mandate on public transportation following a federal court ruling, Governor JB Pritzker announced he will… Read more
Chicago Public Schools to Host District-Wide Earth Day Events
Environmental science lessons and the opportunity to participate in a variety of initiatives aimed at protecting the earth’s resources are part of school life in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) but… Read more
NAWBO Chicago Presenta “El Poder de la Comunidad”
La Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Propietarias de Negocios (NAWBO) Capítulo Chicago, invita al público a la 39º Celebración anual de logros, híbrida en persona/conferencia virtual, que tendrá lugar el 29… Read more
Illinois Actualiza las Reglas del Uso de la Máscara para Alinearse con el Fallo de la Corte Federal
Por: Ashmar Mandou Para coincidir con el final de la aplicación del mandato federal de máscaras en el transporte público, luego de un fallo de un tribunal federal, el gobernador… Read more
Hop On Over to These Fun Easter Egg Hunts
By: Ashmar Mandou Easter egg hunts are all over the Chicagoland area for the whole family to enjoy. So grab your baskets and head over to one of the many… Read more
Eggs Up For Grabs in the South Loop
The Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance, one of the largest community organizations in Chicago, will host its 13th Annual Easter Egg Hunt, at Chicago’s Women’s Park and Gardens featuring a variety… Read more
Cardinal Bartolucci Foundation and Latino Art Beat Add More Concerts
The Cardinal Bartolucci Choir, direct from Rome will perform a selection of sacred music of Papal celebrations and favorite well known arias from Italian operas. For almost fifty years, Cardinal… Read more
Alebrijes: Creatures of a Dream World
The partnership of Cantigny Park, the DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau, Mexican Cultural Center DuPage and the City of West Chicago hosts a five-month outdoor art exhibit featuring dozens of… Read more
Participa en Estas Divertidas Búsquedas de Huevos de Pascua
Por: Ashmar Mandou La casa de huevos de Pascua esta en todo chicago para que toda la familia lo disfrute. Tome su canasta y vaya a una de las muchas… Read more
Cardenal Bartolucci Foundation y Latino Art Beat Agregan Más Conciertos
El Coro Cardenal Bartolucci, directamente de Roma interpretará una selección de música sacra de celebraciones papales y arias favoritas muy conocidas de óperas italianas. Por casi cincuenta años, el Cardenal… Read more
Caza de Huevos en el South Loop
Prairie District Neghborhood Alliance, una de las organizaciones más grandes de Chicago, ofrecerá su 13º Caza de Huevos de Pascua Anual en Women’a Park and Gardens de Chicago, con una… Read more
Alebrijes: Criaturas de un Mundo de Sueño
La asociación de Cantigny Park, la Oficina de Visitantes y Convenciones de DuPage, el Centro Cultural Mexicano DuPage y la ciudad de West Chicago organizan una exhibición de arte al… Read more
Northeastern Illinois University, Ensemble Español Spanish Dance Theater Host the Cardinal Bartolucci Foundation Choir from Rome
Northeastern Illinois University and Ensemble Español Spanish Dance Theater will host the Cardinal Bartolucci Foundation Choir from Rome at Northeastern Illinois University’s Auditorium, 3701 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., at 11:30… Read more
Steppenwolf for Young Adults Rereleases Audio Adaptation of I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter
Next month Steppenwolf for Young Adults rereleases its popular audio adaptation of I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter, free to all Chicagoland teachers and students April 25–May 22, 2022…. Read more
Remembering August “Augie” Sallas
By: Ashmar Mandou Among his time working his way up the ranks of the Chicago Typographical Union No.6, to working as a public servant working under the administration of Mayor… Read more
La Universidad Northeastern de Illinois y el Grupo de Teatro de Danza “Ensemble Español” son Anfitriones del Coro de la Fundación Cardenal Bartolucci de Roma
La Universidad Northeastern y el Grupo de Teatro de Danza “Ensemble Español” serán anfitriones del Coro Cardinal Bartolucci Foundation de Roma en el Auditorio de la Universidad Northeastern Illinois, 3701… Read more
Steppenwolf for Young Adults Relanza la Adaptación en Audio de No Soy tu Hija Mexicana Perfecta
El próximo mes, Steppenwolf for Young Adults relanza su popular adaptación en audio de I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter [No Soy tu Hija Mexicana Perfecta], gratis para todos… Read more
El Concejal Ray López Anuncia su Candidatura a Alcalde para 2023
Por: Ashmar Mandou El Concejal de Chicago, Raymond López, anunció en la mañana del miércoles que planea correr para alcalde en el 2023 vía Twitter, escribiendo “Chicago: I’m in!” En… Read more
Recordando a August “Augie” Sallas
Por: Ashmar Mandou Entre su tiempo, trabajando para ascender en las filas del Sindicato Tipográfico No.6 de Chicago, trabajando como servidor público bajo la administración del alcalde Richard M. Daley… Read more
Bad Bunny Hosts His Badass Big Rig on Airbnb
With a body of work masterfully dismantling cultural norms and amassing over 9.1 billion plays on Spotify, Puerto Rican singer-songwriter and actor (oh, and occasional wrestler), Bad Bunny sigue haciendo… Read more
Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults Underway
By: Ashmar Mandou Members of the Illinois Latino Legislative Caucus and Healthy Illinois Campaign celebrated the launch of the Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults (HBIA) program for individuals ages 55-64… Read more
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
The public is invited to join the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Prevent Child Abuse Illinois, Hospital Sisters Health System, the Poshard Foundation for Abused Children, elected officials,… Read more
April Is Community College Month
April is Community College Month and City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) invites Chicagoans to explore educational pathways offered at CCC, including scholarship offerings and open houses. Now is the best… Read more
Bad Bunny Presenta su Gran Camión en Airbnb
Con un cuerpo de trabajo que desmantela magistralmente las normas culturales y acumula más de 9.100 millones de reproducciones en Spotify, el cantautor y actor puertorriqueño (oh, y luchador ocasional),… Read more
Beneficios de Salud para Adultos Inmigrantes
Por: Ashmar Mandou Miembros del Caucus Legislativo Latino de Illinois y Healthy Illinois Campaign celebraron el lanzamiento del programa de Beneficios de Salud Para Adultos Inmigrantes (HBIA) para personas de… Read more
April es el Mes de Prevención al Abuso Infantil
Se invita al público a unirse a Illinois Departmento of Children and Family Services, Prevent Child Abuse Illinois, Hospital Sisters Health System, Poshard Foundation for Abused Children, funcionarios electos, promotores… Read more
Abril es el Mes de los Colegios Comunitarios
Abril es el Mes de los Colegios Comunitarios y los Colegios de la Ciudad de Chicago (CCC) invitan a los residentes de Chicago a explorar senderos educativos ofrecidos en CCC,… Read more
Community, Legislators Urge Tax Relief for Illinois Families
By: Ashmar Mandou Legislators alongside families and advocates rallied outside of Daley Plaza on Monday morning to urge the State of Illinois to adopt a tax cut program for low-income… Read more
Elected Officials, Advocates Call on IL Attorney General to Enforce Sanctuary Law
By: Ashmar Mandou Members of Centro de Trabajadores Unidos (CTU), the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, and protestors rallied for Norberto Navarro on Tuesday outside of the Will… Read more
City of Chicago Announces Candidates for Sole Casino License
By: Ashmar Mandou City of Chicago announced the three bidders to move on to the next phase the bidding process for the city’s sole casino license. Following extensive evaluations, Bally’s… Read more
Representative Hernandez Holds Food Drive to Honor Cesar Chavez
State Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, will honor labor rights activist César Chávez’s 95th birthday, by collecting non-perishable food at her district office located at 6117 W. Cermak Rd. in… Read more
Gas Giveaway Procedures
The Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC) and the Chicago Police Department (CPD) have coordinated with Dr. Willie Wilson and his staff to provide City and department resources to… Read more
Comunidad y Legisladores Piden Reducción de Impuestos Para las Familias de Illinois
Por: Ashmar Mandou Los legisladores, junto con familias y defensores hicieron una manifestación fuera de la Plaza Daley el lunes por la mañana para exhortar al Estado de Illinois a… Read more
Funcionarios Electos y Defensores Piden al Fiscal General de IL que Haga Cumplir la Ley Santuario
Por: Ashmar Mandou Miembros del Centro de Trabajadores Unidos (CTU), la Coalición de Illinois pro Inmigrantes y Derechos al Refugiado y protestantes, hicieron una manifestación pro Norberto Navarro el martes,… Read more
La Ciudad de Chicago Anuncia Candidatos para Licencia de Casino Único
Por: Ashmar Mandou La Ciudad de Chicago anunció a tres postores que pasan a la siguiente fase del proceso de licitación de la licencia única de casino de la ciudad…. Read more
Celebrate Women’s History Month
By: Ashmar Mandou In recognition of Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the achievements of women fighting for equal pay, environmental rights, and social justice, we place a spotlight… Read more
One Night Only! The Sandra Delgado Experience
Following her smash hit La Havana Madrid, Chicago writer, actor, singer and producer Sandra Delgado returns to the stage with The Sandra Delgado Experience (The SDE), a big band music… Read more
Ballet Hispánico Presents Latina Icon, ‘Evita’ Perón
The Auditorium Theatre (50 E. Ida B. Wells Drive) proudly presents the long-awaited return of Ballet Hispánico, the nation’s renowned Latinx dance organization recognized as one of America’s Cultural Treasures,… Read more
Illinois Department of Labor Recognizes Women in Construction Week
The Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) is joining a national coalition to recognize women working in construction trades. The National Association of Women in Construction celebrated its annual Women in… Read more
Celebre el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer
Por Ashmar Mandou En reconocimiento al Mes de Historia de la Mujer, momento para celebrar los logros de la mujer que lucha por paga equitativa, derechos ambientales y justicia social,… Read more
¡Sólo una noche! La Experiencia de Sandra Delgado
Tras su rotundo hit La Havana Madrid, la escritora, actora y productora Sandra Delgado regresa al escenario con The Sandra Delgado Experience (The SDE), una espectacular banda de música con… Read more
¡Sólo una noche! La Experiencia de Sandra Delgado
Tras su rotundo hit La Havana Madrid, la escritora, actora y productora Sandra Delgado regresa al escenario con The Sandra Delgado Experience (The SDE), una espectacular banda de música con… Read more
Ballet Hispánico Presenta al Icono Latino, “Evita” Perón
El Teatro Auditorio (50 E. Ida B. Wells Drive) presenta orgullosamente el tan esperado regreso del Ballet Hispánico, organización del renombrado baile latino de la nación, reconocido como uno de… Read more
El Departamento de Trabajo en Illinois Reconoce a la Mujer en la Semana de la Construcción
Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) se une a una coalición nacional para reconocer a la mujer que trabaja en la construcción. La Asociación Nacional de Mujeres en la Construcción celebró… Read more
ISBE Announces $4M Grant to Support Bilingual Educator Pipeline
The Illinois State Board of Education announced a $4 million grant, funded with federal pandemic relief dollars, to support the bilingual educator pipeline. The grant will cover the cost of… Read more
YMCA Offers Free Meals
On Monday, March 7, 2022, more than 440 families at the McCormick YMCA in Humboldt Park picked up free, delicious, and nutritious plant-based meal kits through a collaboration between the… Read more
Make it a St. Patrick’s Day Weekend in the Quad Cities with the 36th Annual Parade
Visitors and residents alike will tell you that the Quad Cities puts on one of the best St. Patrick’s Day parades in the Midwest, and Iowa’s largest St. Patrick’s Day… Read more
Empowering Homeowners
By: Ashmar Mandou Buying a home can be challenging for many, especially for a first-timer. There are numerous steps, errands, documents, and requirements, that the whole process may leave you… Read more
ISBE Anuncia una Subvención de $ 4 Millones para Apoyar la Canalización de Educadores Bilingües
La Junta de Educación del Estado de Illinois anunció un subsidio de $4 millones, patrocinado con fondos de ayuda para la pandemia, para apoyar la canalización de educadores bilingües. El… Read more
Empoderando a los Propietarios
Por: Ashmar Mandou Comprar una casa puede ser un reto para muchos, especialmente cuando la compran por primera vez. Hay numerosos pasos, diligencias, documentos y requisitos, por lo que todo… Read more
West Loop Festival of Spirits, Wine Returns
Gourmet Expos’ The West Loop Festival of Spirits & Wine returns to Plumbers Hall in the West Loop for its 5th annual spring event two days only, Saturday, March 26… Read more
City Announces Efforts to Reduce Violence
By: Ashmar Mandou City leaders on Wednesday announced collaborative efforts designed to prevent and reduce crime and violence, including community safety town halls curated to each Chicago region that will… Read more
Let’s Talk Womxn: Celebrating International Women’s Day
In honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, Let’s Talk Womxn chapters throughout the country are hosting Let’s Talk & Celebrate: International Women’s Day Collaborative Feasts on March… Read more
Forty Days of Peace
By: Ashmar Mandou In an effort to combat violence and encourage peace, faith based leaders from Catholic and Christian Churches in the Pilsen neighborhood called on community members to hold… Read more
Festival de Bebidas Espirituosas de West Loop, Regresa el Vino
Gourmet Expos’ El Festival de Bebidas Espirituosas & Vino de West Loop regresa a Plumbers Hall en el West Loop para su 5º evento de primavera, solo dos días, sábado,… Read more
La Ciudad Anuncia Esfuerzos Para Reducir la Violencia
Por: Ashmar Mandou Líderes de la ciudad anunciaron el miércoles, esfuerzos colaborativos designados a prevenir y reducir el crimen y la violencia, incluyendo ayuntamientos de seguridad comunitaria seleccionados para cada… Read more
Let’s Talk Womxn: Celebrando el Día Internacional de la Mujer
En honor al Mes de la Historia de la Mujer y del Día Internacional de la Mujer, los capítulos ‘Let’s Talk Womxn’ en el país presentan Hablemos y Celebremos: Fiestas… Read more
Cuarenta Días de Paz
Por: Ashmar Mandou En un esfuerzo por combatir la violencia y promover la paz, líderes religiosos de las iglesias católicas y cristianas del barrio de Pilsen citaron a los miembros… Read more
Free Healthy Meal Kits Available to Families
The YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago, Partnership for a Healthier America, and The FruitGuys are giving away free, healthy meal kits to 2,000 local families per week for four weeks starting… Read more
Cicero Senior Center hosts income tax assistance for Seniors
The Town of Cicero Senior Center hosted two workshops to help seniors complete their income taxes. Workshops were held on Jan 31 and February 7, and the next Senior Tax… Read more
CPS to Keep Mask Mandates
By: Ashmar Mandou Despite Tuesday’s announcement from Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot over the roll back of mask and vaccine mandates for certain public settings, the Chicago Public Schools stated mask… Read more
ComEd Encourages Illinois Students to Apply for College Scholarships
ComEd launched its Future of Energy program, which will provide up to $250,000 in scholarships for women and minorities pursuing STEM degrees in college. Through March 28, 2022, students in… Read more
El Centro para Ciudadanos Senior de Cicero Ofrece Ayuda con la Declaración de Impuestos a Personas Mayores
El Centro para Ciudadanos Senior de Cicero ofreció dos talleres para ayudar a las personas mayores a completar su declaración de impuestos. Los talleres tuvieron lugar el 31 de enero… Read more
CPS Mantiene el Requisito de las Máscaras
Por: Ashmar Mandou A pesar del anuncio del martes de la alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot sobre la reversión de los mandatos del uso de mascarillas y vacunas para ciertos lugares… Read more
ComEd Anima a Estudiantes de Illinois a Solicitar Becas Universitarias
ComEd lanzó su programa Future of Energy, que otorgará hasta $250,000 en becas para mujeres y minorías que persigan diplomas STEM en la universidad. Hasta el 28 de marzo, del… Read more
Elected Officials, Southeast Residents Urge Lightfoot to Deny General Iron Permit
By: Ashmar Mandou Elected officials, including Alderman Byron Sigcho Lopez, Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez, and Southeast residents assembled outside of Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot’s City Hall office Wednesday morning to urge… Read more
Residents Sue to End Chicago, Cook County Proof of Vaccination Orders
The national nonprofit law firm Liberty Justice Center has filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Chicago and Cook County to end their illegal and discriminatory “proof of vaccination”… Read more
Two Innovative Food Access Programs are Addressing Food Insecurity in Austin
Dion Dawson wouldn’t call himself an inventor, but he knew that there had to be a better way of getting healthy food to people who need it. And so…he invented… Read more
Heat Wave Headed to Chicago
The International Salsa Congress returns and promises to bring the heatwave this weekend with help from Bachata artists, to merengue and salsa hypnotic sounds. Music lovers will enjoy dance groups,… Read more
Funcionarios Electos del Sureste Instan a Lightfoot a Negar el Permiso a General Iron
Por Ashmar Mandou Funcionarios electos, incluyendo al Concejal Byron Sigcho López, a la Concejal Rossana Rodríguez- Sánchez y a residentes del sureste se reunieron fuera de la oficina del Ayuntamiento… Read more
Residentes Demandan Para Poner Fin a la Orden de Prueba de Vacunación del Condado de Cook y Chicago
La firma legal nacional no lucrativa, Liberty Justice Center ha registrado una demanda federal contra la Ciudad de Chicago y el Condado de Cook para terminar su discriminatorio e ilegal… Read more
Dos Innovadores Programas de Acceso a Alimentos Están Tratando la Inseguridad Alimenticia en Austin
Dion Dawson no se llamaría a si mismo un inventor, pero sabía que tenía que haber una mejor forma de llevar comida saludable a la gente que lo necesitaba. Y… Read more
Ola de Calor Llega a Chicago
International Salsa Congress regresa y promete traer consigo una ola de calor este fin de semana, con la ayuda de artistas de bachata y merengue y los hipnóticos sonidos de… Read more
Racial Healing and Equity
By: Ashmar Mandou Recently, five organizations were selected as the inaugural cohort for the Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation –Greater Chicago (TRHT Chicago) newly launched Truth, Healing, and Equity (T.H.E.)… Read more
Chicago Auto Show Returns to McCormick Place
The Chicago Auto Show drives into its traditional February timeframe this weekend at McCormick Place showcasing the latest models from Subaru to Toyota to Ford. New this year, show organizers… Read more
Gov. JB Pritzker Announces Mask Mandate Changes
By: Ashmar Mandou Governor JB Pritzker announced Wednesday during his 2023 budget proposal that he will begin rolling back statewide indoor mask mandate at a few locations. “I have to… Read more
Festival de Música de Sueños Llega a Chicago
Los productores de Baja Beach Fest, Chicago’s Reventon Promotions y Lollapalooza se complacen en anunciar el primer Festival de Música de Sueños anual, el mayor evento musical de Reggaeton latino… Read more
Sanación Racial y Equidad
Por: Ashmar Mandou Recientemente, cinco organizaciones fueron seleccionadas como cohorte inaugural para Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation – Greater Chicago (TRHT Chicago) [Verdad, Sanación Racial y Transformación] Fraternidad Verdad, Sanación… Read more
El Gobernador JB Pritzker Anuncia Cambios en el Mandato del Uso de Mascarillas
Por Ashmar Mandou El Gobernador Pritzker anunció el miércoles durante su propuesta del presupuesto del 2023, que comenzará a hacer retroceder el mandato de uso de mascarillas en interiores en… Read more
Long-Awaited Saint Anthony Project Underway
By: Ashmar Mandou A decade in the making, the highly anticipated development Focal Point Community Campus Project, designed for a new Saint Anthony Hospital was recently approved by the Chicago… Read more
Shedd Aquarium Reveals Plans for Exterior Enhancements
On the heels of announcing its significant new 2030 Centennial Commitment, Shedd Aquarium today unveiled more details about proposed exterior improvements within its planned 4-year, onsite transformation and restoration project…. Read more
IDCFS Recognizes Human Trafficking Awareness Month
On Friday, January 28, Illinois DCFS joined advocates and volunteers at a candlelight vigil in Calumet Park, Illinois in recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The event, organized by Dr…. Read more
Pritzker Administration Awards $55M to Improve Housing Accessibility, Stability for Vulnerable Residents
The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) Board announced the conditional award of more than $55.7 million in state and federal resources that will finance the creation or preservation of permanent… Read more
En Marcha el tan Esperado Proyecto Saint Anthony
Por: Ashmar Mandou Después de una década de desarrollo, el muy anticipado proyecto Focal Point Community Campus Project, diseñado para un nuevo Hospital Saint Anthony, fue aprobado recientemente por el… Read more
El Shedd Aquarium revela planes para mejoras exteriores
Inmediatamente después de anunciar su nuevo y significativo compromiso del Centenario 2030, Shedd Aquarium reveló hoy más detalles sobre las mejoras exteriores propuestas dentro de su proyecto de restauración y… Read more
IDCFS Reconoce el Mes de Concientización Sobre el Tráfico Humano
El viernes, 28 de enero, Illinois DCFS se unió a abogados y voluntarios en una vigilia con velas en Calumet Park, Illinois, en reconocimiento del Mes de Concientización del Tráfico… Read more
La Administración Pritzker Otorga $55 M para Mejorar la accesibilidad en la Vivienda y la Estabilidad para Residentes Vulnerables
La Junta de Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) anunció el premio condicional de más de $55.7 millones en recursos estatales y federales que financiarán la creación o preservación de viviendas… Read more
Cook County Warming Centers Open During Bitter Cold
Cook County will experience low temperatures over the next few days. Cook County’s Department of Emergency Management and Regional Security (EMRS) reminds residents to take appropriate precautions to protect themselves and… Read more
Chicago in Crisis
By: Ashmar Mandou Amid the tragic death of eight-year-old Melissa Ortega, who was shot and killed while walking down the street with her mother in Little Village over the weekend,… Read more
Chicago Park District Hosting ‘Girls Day of Play’
The Chicago Park District is excited to host “Girls Day of Play,” on Friday, January 28, 2022. When school is out, the parks are in! Participants will have access to… Read more
Los Centros de Calentamiento del Condado de Cook Abren Durante el Frío Intenso
El Condado de Cook Experimentará bajas temperaturas en los próximos días. El Departamento de Manejo de Emergencias y Seguridad Regional del Condado de Cook (EMRS) recuerda a los residentes que… Read more
Cubs Charities Otorga Subsidios Diamond Project a Organizaciones Locales
Cubs Charities, organización sin fines de lucro que moviliza el poder del deporte para defender a los jóvenes, las familias y las comunidades, anunció que se otorgarán $920M a 13… Read more
El Distrito de Parques de Chicago Organiza ‘Girls Day of Play’
El Distrito de Parques de Chicago está entusiasmado de ofrecer “Girls Day of Play” el viernes, 28 de enero del 2022. ¡Cuando termina la escuela, entran los parques! Los participantes… Read more
Frida: Immersive Dream
By: Ashmar Mandou From the producers who brought you the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit phenomenon, will soon showcase their next endeavor that delves into the life and work of cultural… Read more
Chicago Public Library Welcomes Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Chicago Public Library (CPL) announced that CPL will be welcoming U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on February 2 at 6 p.m. for a virtual event to celebrate the release… Read more
CPS Students Walkout Recap
Caption by Ashmar Mandou Hundreds of Chicago Public School students walked out of class last Friday to protest the return of in-person lessons. The students felt their voices were not… Read more
ILCC Welcomes Mateo Mulcahy as Deputy Executive Director
The International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago (ILCC), producer of the Chicago Latino Film Festival (CLFF) and the Chicago Latino Music Series, and its Executive Director Pepe Vargas announce the… Read more
Frida: sueño inmersivo
Por: Ashmar Mandou De los productores que trajeron el fenómeno Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit, pronto mostrarán su próximo esfuerzo que profundiza en la vida y obra del ícono cultural Frida… Read more
La Biblioteca Pública de Chicago da la bienvenida a la jueza de la Corte Suprema Sonia Sotomayor
La Biblioteca Pública de Chicago (CPL) anunció que CPL dará la bienvenida a la jueza de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, Sonia Sotomayor, el 2 de febrero a… Read more
Resumen de la huelga de estudiantes de CPS Leyenda
Por Ashmar Mandou Cientos de estudiantes de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago salieron de clase el viernes pasado para protestar por el regreso de las lecciones presenciales. Los estudiantes sintieron… Read more
Historic Domestic Workers Contract Requirements Take Effect
By: Ashmar Mandou Chicago, recently has become one of the first major cities to require employers provide contracts to domestic workers. As of January 1, 2022, all nannies, care workers,… Read more
Teachers, Students Return to In-Person Classrooms
By: Ashmar Mandou After a contentious week of back and forth proposals between the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools, teachers and students returned to in-person learning Wednesday after… Read more
Broadway Star Arwen Monzon-Sanders talks Frozen
By: Ashmar Mandou Charmingly enthusiastic, Arwen Monzon-Sanders, 11, who plays a young Elsa in Disney’s Frozen North American Tour, is practically a real life Disney princess with her endearingly animated… Read more
World’s Top 40 Bull Riders Return to Chicago
For the 12th time in history, PBR’s (Professional Bull Riders) elite Unleash The Beast, featuring the Top 40 bull riders in the world and rankest bovine athletes on the planet,… Read more
La estrella de Broadway Arwen Monzon-Sanders habla de Frozen
Por: Ashmar Mandou Encantadoramente entusiasta, Arwen Monzon-Sanders, de 11 años, quien interpreta a una joven Elsa en Disney’s Frozen North American Tour, es prácticamente una princesa de Disney de la… Read more
Los 40 mejores jinetes de toros del mundo regresan a Chicago
Por 12ª vez en la historia, la élite de PBR (Professional Bull Riders) Unleash The Beast, que presenta a los 40 mejores jinetes de toros del mundo y a los… Read more
President Preckwinkle Issues Proclamation to Address the Nation’s Homelessness Crisis
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle issued a proclamation to join House America: An All-Hands-on-Deck Effort to Address the Nation’s Homelessness Crisis, a federal initiative launched in October 2021 in… Read more
‘We will not comply’
protestors urge Mayor Lightfoot to end “discriminatory mandate” By: Ashmar Mandou As the City of Chicago began its proof of vaccination requirements to enter public places, such as restaurants, gyms,… Read more
New Year’s Resolutions to Optimize Mental, Brain Health
By: Dr. Teralyn Sell, Psychotherapist and Brain Health Expert This year I want to encourage you and all of us to put our mental and brain health at the top… Read more
Chicago Speed Cameras Issue Tickets Every 11 Seconds Under New Policy
Chicago is the only city in Illinois to operate automatic speed cameras, and when they were programmed to be less tolerant in March 2021, revenues soared. According to an original… Read more
La Presidente Preckwinkle Expide Proclamación para Atender la Crisis de las Personas sin Hogar de la Nación
La Presidente de la Junta del Condado de Cook, Toni Preckwinkle expidió una proclamación para unirse a House America: Ann All-Hands-on-Deck Effort to Address the Nation’s Homelessness Crisis, iniciativa federal… Read more
Las Cámaras de Tráfico de Chicago Emiten Multas Cada 11 Segundos Según la Nueva Política
Chicago es la única ciudad en Illinois que opera cámaras de velocidad automáticas y cuando estaban programados para ser menos tolerantes, en marzo del 2021, los ingresos escalaron. De acuerdo… Read more
New Year’s Intentions
By: Ashmar Mandou With the air of excitement and new possibilities surrounding us, we say goodbye to our final days in 2021, and look to a brighter, healthier, and a… Read more
Chicago Brings in the New Year
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, Arena Partners, Choose Chicago, and Navy Pier announced plans to welcome in the New Year with a 1.5-mile-long midnight fireworks display along the lakefront and Chicago… Read more
Gov. Pritzker Signs Legislation to Further Protect Reproductive Rights
Recently, Governor JB Pritzker signed House Bill 370, repealing the Parental Notification Act (PNA). Rescinding the PNA guarantees that while a pregnant minor can choose to involve a family member… Read more
IEA Calls on School Districts, Lawmakers to Make Schools Safer
Illinois Education Association (IEA) President Kathi Griffin is calling on school districts that are not adhering to Illinois school safety laws to immediately comply. Griffin made the announcement at a… Read more
Intenciones de Año Nuevo
Por: Ashmar Mandou Con el rumor de ilusiones y nuevas posibilidades que nos rodean, decimos adios a nuestros últimos días del año 2021 y contemplamos un futuro más brillante, más… Read more
Chicago Recibe el Año Nuevo
La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot, Arena Partners, Choose Chicago y Navy Pier anunciaron planes para dar a bienvenida al Año Nuevo con una exhibición de 1.5 millas de fuegos pirotécnicos… Read more
El Gobernador Pritzker Firma una Legislación Para Proteger aún más los Derechos Reproductivos
Recientemente, el Gobernador JB Pritzker firmó el Proyecto 370 de la Cámara, revocando el Acta de Notificación Parental (PNA). Anular la ANP garantiza que, si bien una menor embarazada puede… Read more
IEA Pide a los Distritos Escolares y a los Legisladores que Hagan las Escuelas más Seguras
La Presidente de Illinois Education Association (IEA), Kathi Griffin pide a los distritos escolares que no se están uniendo a las leyes de seguridad escolar de Illinois, que cumplan con… Read more
Horizon Science Academy Southwest Chicago School Seeks Donations for Kindergarten Biking Program
Kindergartners at Horizon Science Academy Southwest Chicago School may soon be riding bikes in their PE classes. All Kids Bike® is a national program on a mission to teach every… Read more
Little Village Chamber of Commerce Hosts a ‘Little Village Posada’
Little Village families braved the freezing temperatures for their chance to meet Santa and gather around the sparkling Christmas that illuminated Manuel Perez Jr. Memorial Plaza last Friday night as… Read more
Opera Brunelleschi Comes to Life
By: Ashmar Mandou The work of Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci (1917-2013) will soon come to life on a global scale as the Cardinale Bartolucci Foundation in Rome, Italy begins its plan… Read more
Last Days to Enjoy the Holiday Spirit
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Sadly, the holiday season is drawing to a close, but there is still a chance for you to capture the spirit of sparkly lights and festive… Read more
Horizon Science Academy Southwest Chicago School Busca Donaciones para el Programa de Ciclismo del Kindergarten
Los alumnos de Kindergarten de Horizon Science Academy Southwest Chicago School pueden pronto estar montando bicicletas en sus clases de educación física (PE). All Kids Bike® es un programa nacional,… Read more
La Cámara de Comercio de La Villita Presenta ‘Posada de La Villita’
Familias de La Villita desafiaron las heladas temperaturas para tener oportunidad de ver a Santa y reunirse alrededor de la alegre Navidad que iluminó la Plaza Memorial de Manuel Pérez… Read more
Cobra Vida La Opera Brunelleschi
Por: Ashmar Mandou La obra del Cardenal Domenico Bartolucci (1917-2013) pronto cobrará vida a escala mundial ya que la Fundación del Cardenal Bartolucci, en Roma, Italia, comienza su plan de… Read more
Ultmos Días para Disfrutar el Espíritu Navideño
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Tristemente, la temporada navideña está llegando a su fin, pero aún hay una oportunidad para que usted capture el espíritu de las alegres luces y los… Read more
Holiday Sounds
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Enjoy the last days of Christmas in Chicago with a few fun-filled events happening around the city from Merry, Merry Chicago at the Symphony Center to… Read more
Pilsen Outrage
Caption by Ashmar Mandou Residents in Pilsen are taking elected officials to task over the increase in violence ravaging their neighborhood. During a meeting on Monday evening at the Lincoln… Read more
MHOA Distributes 1,500 Turkeys to Local Families, Veterans to Kick Off Holiday Season
This holiday season the McDonald’s Hispanic Owner-Operators Association (MHOA) joined the Black McDonald’s Operators Association (BMOA) to present once again the annual program Food for the Body & Spirit. The… Read more
Restoring Community Opportunities
By: Ashmar Mandou Governor JB Pritzker and Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton on Wednesday announced $45 million in Restore, Reinvest, and Renew (R3) program funding to support community organizations that serve… Read more
Sonidos Navideños
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Disfrute los últimos días de Navidad en Chicago con unos cuantos eventos llenos de diversión que ocurren en la ciudad, desde Merry, Merry Chicago en Symphony… Read more
Indignación en Pilsen
Pie de Foto de Ashmar Mandou Los residentes de Pilsen están criticando a los funcionarios electos por el aumento de la violencia que azota su vecindario. Durante una junta el… Read more
MHOA Distribuye 1,500 Pavos a Familias Locales y Veteranos Para Iniciar la Temporada Navideña
Esta temporada navideña, la Asociación de Operadores-Propietarios Hispanos de McDonald’s (MHOA) se unieron a la Asociación de Operadores de raza Negra de McDonald’s (BMOA) para presentar una vez más el… Read more
Restaurando las Oportunidades Comunitarias
Por: Ashmar Mandou El Gobernador JB Pritzker y la Tnt. Gobernadora Julianna Stratton, anunciaron el miércoles $45 millones en fondos del programa en Restauración, Reinversión y Renovación (R3) para apoyar… Read more
Applications Open for Emergency Assistance for Renters, Landlords
Building on Illinois’ COVID-19 support response for Illinois renters and landlords, the Illinois Housing Development Authority announced that applications are now open for the second round of the Illinois Rental… Read more
Hispanic Adults Show Higher Level of Worry, Anxiety This Holiday Season
According to a recent poll, nearly half (48 percent) of Hispanic adults said that their level of stress increases during the holidays, compared to 43 percent of white adults, 37… Read more
Cicero Vaccination Rate Exceeds 70 percent, County Officials Report
By: Ashmar Mandou A pool of local officials, including Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle as well as members of the Town of Cicero Larry Dominick administration gathered on Monday morning… Read more
Union League Boys & Girls Clubs Opens Three After-School Clubs at Acero Schools
For over 100 years, Union League Boys & Girls Clubs have been serving youth in neighborhoods with the highest hardship index in Chicago; providing quality programming centered on academic success,… Read more
Solicitudes Abiertas para Ayuda de Emergencia para Inquilinos y Propietarios
En base a la respuesta de apoyo del COVID-19 de Illinois para inquilinos y propietarios de Illinois, Illinois Housing Development Authority anunció que las solicitudes están ya abiertas para la… Read more
Los Adultos Hispanos Muestran un Nivel Más Alto de Preocupación y Ansiedad esta Temporada Navideña
De acuerdo a una reciente encuesta, cerca de la mitad (48 por ciento) de los adultos dicen que su nivel de estrés aumenta durante las navidades, comparado con el 43… Read more
El Club Boys & Girls de Union League Abre Tres Clubs para Después de la Escuela en Acero Schools
Por más de 100 años, los Clubs Boys & Girls de Union League han estado atendiendo a jóvenes de barrios con los índices más altos de problemas en Chicago, brindándoles… Read more
Gads Hill Center Continues Impact in South, West Communities
By: Ashmar Mandou Founded with the intent to provide immigrant families access to quality care, resources, and education, Gads Hill Center serves as the North Star for many seeking to… Read more
Chicagoans Sleep Outside in Support of Homeless Youth
On November 18th, people from across Chicago and around the region spent the night away from the comfort of their homes, to raise awareness for young people overcoming homelessness. This is the fifth annual Sleep Out: Chicago hosted… Read more
Toy Drive for Children of Little Village, Belmont Cragin and South Chicago
For the fifth consecutive year, the Hispanic Business Network (HBN) will host a toy drive at Morton College’s Jedlicka Performing Arts Center (3801 S. Central Ave., Cicero, IL 60804) on… Read more
Citywide Ice Rinks Now Open, Registration is Required
Work-off holiday calories and take a fun break from shopping by hitting one of the Chicago Park District’s outdoor ice skating rinks and/or Maggie Daley Park’s ice skating ribbon. The… Read more
Gads Hill Center Continúa su Impacto en las Comunidades del Sur y el Oeste
Por Ashmar Mandou Patrocinado con el intento de proveer a las familias inmigrantes cceso a cuidado de calidad, recursos y educación, Gads Hill Centerfunge como la Estrella del Norte para… Read more
Los Habitantes de Chicago Duermen al Aire Libre en Apoyo a los Jóvenes sin Hogar
El 18 de noviembre, gente de todo Chicago y los alrededores pasaron la noche fuera de la comodidad de sus hogares para sensibilizar a los jóvenes para que superen la… Read more
Campaña de Juguetes para Niños de La Villita, Belmont Cragin y South Chicago
Por quinto año consecutivo, Hispanic Business Network (HBN) ofrecerá una campaña de juguetes en Jedlicka Performing Arts Center de Morton College, (3801 S. Central Ave., Cicero, IL 60804) el 3… Read more
Mayor Signs Executive Order to Assist Residents Returning from Incarceration and Jail
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot stood with those impacted by the criminal justice system, including Alderman Walter Burnett and community leaders, to sign an executive order creating a first-of-its-kind Interagency Reentry… Read more
#Giving Tuesday
By: Ashmar Mandou GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement demonstrating the power of generosity. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do… Read more
Casa Central Joins the Global GivingTuesday Movement
#YouAreTheChange Casa Central needs as we head into a new, post-pandemic normal and we are pleased to kick off our year-end campaign this GivingTuesday, a global giving movement that is… Read more
City of Chicago Releases Proposals for Casino-Resort
The City of Chicago released a summary of five proposals received through its RFP process to create a world-class casino-resort and entertainment experience in Chicago. An initiative three decades in… Read more
La Alcaldesa Firma una Orden Ejecutiva para Ayudar a los Residentes que Regresan del Encarcelamiento y la Cárcel
La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot apoyó a los impactados por el sistema de justicia criminal, incluyendo al Concejal Walter Burnett y a líderes comunitarios, para firmar una orden ejecutiva que… Read more
#Giving Tuesday (Martes de Donación)
Por: Ashmar Mandou Giving Tuesday es un movimiento global de generosidad que demuestra el poder de la generosidad. Giving Tuesday fue creado en el 2012 como una simple idea: un… Read more
Casa Central se Une al Movimiento Global Giving Tuesday
#YouAreTheChange Casa Central necesita, mientras nos encaminamos a una nueva y normal post-pandemia, el lanzamiento de nuestra campaña de fin de año Giving Tuesday, movimiento global de donaciones manejada por… Read more
La Ciudad de Chicago Publica Propuestas para Casino-Resort
La Ciudad de Chicago publicó un sumario de cinco propuestas recibidas a través de su proceso RFP para crear un casino-resort clase mundial y experiencia de entretenimiento en Chicago. Iniciativa… Read more
Thanksgiving Giveaways for Families in Need
By: Ashmar Mandou Gobble, gobble! It’s that time of year again to get your fix of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and pies galore and while most of don’t have to… Read more
Holiday Spirit
By: Ashmar Mandou The festive season officially kicks off this weekend with official tree lighting ceremonies taking place across the city to Christmas concerts and even a little visit Mickey… Read more
Cook County Commissioner Aguilar Launches Annual Toys for Tots Drive
Toys for Tots has been a passion of Cook County 16th District Commissioner Frank J. Aguilar’s for more than 20 years. Aguilar joined Toys for Tots and the Royal Group… Read more
Regalos de Acción de Gracias para Familias Necesitadas
Por: Ashmar Mandou Gobble, Gobble! Llegó una vez más ese momento del año en que tiene que buscar un pavo, pure de papas, relleno y diferentes pays y mientras la… Read more
MHOA Inicia la Temporada Navideña con un Reparto Anual de Regalos
El lunes, 15 de noviembre, la Asociación de Operadores-Propietarios de McDonald’s Chicago se unieron a la Asociación de Operadores Negros de McDonald’s (BMOA) para ofrecer el 21º evento anual ‘Food… Read more
Espíritu Navideño
Por Ashmar Mandou La temporada festiva oficialmente empieza este fin de semana, desde las ceremonias de iluminación del arbol navideño, que tiene lugar en toda la ciudad, a los conciertos… Read more
El Comisionado del Condado de Cook, Frank Aguilar, Lanza la Campaña Anual Toys for Tots
Toys for Tots ha sido una pasión para el Comisionado del Distrito 16 Frank J. Aguilar, por más de 20 años. Aguilar se unió a Toys for Tots y a… Read more
Pritzker Signs Health Care Right of Conscience Change
By: Ashmar Mandou Governor JB Pritzker signed a new law in Illinois that will create a way to enforce vaccination, testing and other mitigation measures to prevent the spread of… Read more
ISBE Announces $38M in funding for Students Experiencing Housing Insecurity
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) announced $38 million in federal funding to identify and support students experiencing housing insecurity. The funding will bolster schools’ efforts to identify students… Read more
Chicago’s Jasmin Zamora Named Coors Light’s Top Latino Leaders in the U.S.
For 15 years, the Coors Light Líderes program has supported remarkable Latino change makers by awarding grants for their nonprofits, giving them well-deserved recognition, and a moment to refresh their… Read more
Pritzker Firma un Cambio en el Derecho a la Conciencia de la Atención Médica
Por: Ashmar Mandou El Gobernador JB Pritzker firmó una nueva ley en Illinois que creará una forma de obligar a forzar la vacunación, las pruebas y otras medidas de mitigación… Read more
ISBE Anuncia $38M en Fondos para Estudiantes que Experimenten Inseguridad en la Vivienda
La Junta de Educación del Estado de Illinois (ISBE) anunció $38 millones en fondos federales para identificar y apoyar a estudiantes que experimentan inseguridad en la vivienda. Los fondos reforzarán… Read more
NLEI Anuncia el Nuevo Programa de Entrenamiento Laboral CONSTRUCT para Mujeres y Minorías
National Latino Education Institute se enorgullece de anunciar el regreso de CONSTRUCT, un programa gratuito para que las minorías y mujeres puedan adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para acceder a los… Read more
Jasmin Zamora, de Chicago, Nombrada Líder Latina de Coors Light en E.U.
Durante 15 años, el programa Líderes Coors Light ha apoyado a destacados creadores de cambios latinos otorgando subvenciones para sus organizaciones sin fines de lucro, dándoles un merecido reconocimiento y… Read more
UChicago Inclusive Economy Lab Finds Community College Support Program Significantly Improves Degree Attainment
Providing comprehensive supports to community college students significantly increases their chances of obtaining an associate degree within three years, according to new results published today by the University of Chicago… Read more
Martin V. Torres Becomes Deputy Governor for Education
By: Ashmar Mandou Serving as Deputy Policy Director of Governor’s JB Pritzker’s first campaign for Governor, Martin V. Torres was recently appointed to the Deputy Governor for Education, where he… Read more
Gov. Pritzker Declares Gun Violence a Public Health Crisis
Joined by legislators, stakeholders, and community leaders, Governor JB Pritzker declared gun violence a public health crisis and announced support for a $250 million state investment over the next three… Read more
CHA Board Welcomes Luis Gutierrez
By: Ashmar Mandou Founder and CEO of Latinos Progresando Luis Gutierrez was recently named as the newest member to the Chicago Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. Gutierrez was appointed by… Read more
Casa Central Celebrates Its Home Care Aide Heroes During Home Care Services Month
Each November the home care and hospice community honors the millions of nurses, home care aides, therapists, and social workers who make a remarkable difference for the participants and families they… Read more
El Gob. Priztker Declara la Violencia Armada Crisis de Salud Pública
Junto con legisladores, partes interesadas y líderes comunitarios, el Gobernador JB Pritzker declaró la violencia armada una crisis de salud pública y anunció apoyo a una inversión de $250 millones… Read more
La Junta de CHA da la Bienvenida a Luis Gutiérrez
Por: Ashmar Mandou El fundador y CEO de Latinos Progresando, Luis Gutiérrez, fue recientemente nombrado el más reciente miembro de la Junta de Comisionados de la Autoridad de la Vivienda… Read more
Casa Central Celebra a sus Héroes de Ayudantes de Atención Domiciliaria en el Mes de los Servicios de Atención Domiciliaria
Cada noviembre, la comunidad de cuidados en el hogar y hospicios rinde homenaje a millones de enfermeras, asistentes de cuidados en el hogar, terapeutas y trabajadores sociales que marcan una… Read more
Mariachi Herencia de México Presents ‘Concierto Día de Muertos’
Mariachi Herencia de México returns to the stage to perform a musical tribute to Mexico’s Day of the Dead on Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 8p.m., at Chicago’s Copernicus Center… Read more
Halloween in Chicago
By: Ashmar Mandou Experience the spookiest time of year in Chicago with the help of these spectacular, supernatural haunts all across neighborhoods. These family-friendly events are just what you need… Read more
Columbia College Staff to Authorize a Strike
Members of the United Staff of Columbia College (USCC), the union representing Columbia College staff, voted overwhelmingly in favor of authorizing a strike. The vote comes after three years of… Read more
City Council Approves 2022 Budget
By: Ashmar Mandou The Chicago City Council on Wednesday passed the City’s 2022 Recovery Budget which aims to balance financial stability with investments in the City’s residents, communities, and businesses… Read more
Mariachi Herencia de México Presenta ‘Concierto Día de Muertos’
El Mariachi Herencia de México regresa al escenario para rendir un tributo musical al Día de Muertos de México, el sábado, 30 de octubre del 2021 a las 8 p.m.,… Read more
El Personal de Columbia College Autoriza una Huelga
Miembros del Personal Unido de Columbia College (USCC) sindicato que representa al personal del Columbia College, votó abrumadoramente a favor de autorizar una huelga. El voto llega después de tres… Read more
El Concilio de la Ciudad Aprueba el Presupuesto del 2022
Por Ashmar Mandou El Concilio de la Ciudad de Chicago aprobó el miércoles el Presupuesto de Recuperacoión del 2022 de la Ciudad que espera balancear la estabilidad financira con inversiones… Read more
Gil C. Quiniones Named CEO of ComEd
ComEd announced Gil C. Quiniones will become CEO of ComEd, effective Nov. 15, 2021. Quiniones, who has served as president and CEO of the New York Power Authority (NYPA) for… Read more
Crisis Text Line to Support Spanish-Speaking Texters Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis
Crisis Text Line, the not-for-profit providing free crisis counseling via text message, began offering its service in Spanish last Friday. The organization is actively recruiting and training volunteers who are… Read more
La Ciudad Presenta Nuevas Medidas
Por: Ashmar Mandou Operación de Agricultura Urbana en Humboldt Park La expansión de una exitosa agricultura urbana en la comunidad de Humboldt Park sería respaldada por la ubicación de $75,000… Read more
Gil C. Quiniones nombrado director ejecutivo de ComEd
ComEd anunció que Gil C. Quiniones será el CEO de Com.Ed a partir del 15 de noviembre del 2021. Quiniones, quien ha fungido como presidente y CEO de New York… Read more
Crisis Text Line Para Ayudar a Usuarios de Mensajes de Texto Hispanoparlantes que Pasan por una Crisis de Salud Mental
Crisis Text Line, servicio no lucrativo que provee consejería gratis en caso de crisis, vía mensaje de textos, comenzó a ofrecer su servicio en español el pasado viernes. La organización… Read more
La Policía de Chicago vs. Lightfoot
Por: Ashmar Mandou La tensión continúa entre la administración Lightfoot y la Orden Fraternal de Policía de Illinois (FOP) ya que los dos siguen en desacuerdo sobre los mandatos de… Read more
‘Be Proud of Your Roots’
Maru Ayala, president of the Cicero Mexican Cultural Committee By: Ashmar Mandou Unbridled joy is palpable when President of the Cicero Mexican Cultural Committee Maru Ayala talks about her culture… Read more
Chicago Marathon Recap
The 43rd Bank of America Chicago Marathon raced through the streets of Chicago this past Sunday with 26,000 participants traveling through 29 neighborhoods to make history as the Chicago Marathon… Read more
Latino Art Beat, Oriental Institute to Screen ‘Visiting the Museum’ in Halloween Season
Tune into the YouTube channel of the Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago for a screening of Latino Art Beat’s short scary movie “Visiting the Museum”. This screening,… Read more
Chicago Bears Now Accepting Applications for Grant
The Chicago Bears announced that applications are now being accepted for a $102,000 grant through the Community All-Pros initiative, which began in 2019 in honor of the organization’s centennial season…. Read more
‘Siéntete Orgulloso de Tus Raíces’
Maru Ayala, Presidente del Comité Cultural Mexicano de Cicero Por: Ashmar Mandou Se siente una alegría desenfrenada cuando la Presidente del Comité Cultural Mexicano de Cicero, Maru Ayala, habla sobre… Read more
Resumen del Maratón de Chicago
El 43rd Chicago Marathon de Bank of America corrió por las calles de Chicago el domingo pasado con 26,000 participantes que viajaron por 29 vecindarios para hacer historia, ya que… Read more
Latino Art Beat, Oriental Institute Proyectará ‘Visitando el Museo’ en la Temporada de Halloween
Sintonice el canal de YouTube de Oriental Institute Museum de la Universidad de Chicago y vea la proyección del cortometraje de la película de terror de Latino Art Beat “Visitando… Read more
Los Osos de Chicago Están Aceptando Solicitudes Para un Subsidio
Los Osos de Chicago anunciaron que están aceptando solicitudes para un subsidio de $102,000 a través de la iniciativa All-Pros, que comenzó en el 2019 en honor a la temporada… Read more
Horace Mann Elementary Unveils New ‘Space to Grow’ Schoolyard
By: Ashmar Mandou Newly elected Chicago Public Schools CEO Pedro Martinez joined Horace Mann Elementary Interim Principal Karon Marie Purkett Wednesday morning at the unveiling of a new ‘Space to… Read more
ComEd hosts Hispanic Heritage Month STEM event to Increase Diversity
On October 2, 2021, ComEd hosted its STEM Leadership Summit to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and to increase awareness of the existing gap of Hispanic representation in the STEM workforce…. Read more
Around Town
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Jack’s Pumpkin Pop-Up 1467 N. Elston Ave Through October 31st Prices vary Returning to a two-acre plot of land just west of Goose Island, Jack’s… Read more
Hispanic Heritage Series: Pedro Martinez First Latino CPS CEO
By: Ashmar Mandou Born in Aguascalientes, Mexico, Pedro Martinez came to Chicago with his family at the age of 5 in search of a better life. A proud graduate of Benito… Read more
Horace Mann Elementary presenta un nuevo patio escolar “Space to Grow”
Por: Ashmar Mandou El recién electo CEO de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago, Pedro Martínez, se unió a la Directora Interina de Horace Mann Elementary, Karon Marie Purkett, el miércoles… Read more
ComEd Organiza el Evento STEM del Mes de la Herencia Hispana para Aumentar la Diversidad
El 2 de octubre del 2021, ComEd presentó su Cumbre de Liderazgo STEM para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana y aumentar la concientización de la brecha existente de… Read more
Que Pasa en Chicago
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Jack’s Pumpkin Pop-Up 1467 N. Elston Ave. De ahora al 31 de octubre Los precios varían Si vas a una parcela de tierra de dos… Read more
Serie Herencia Hispana: Pedro Martínez Primer CEO CPS Latino
Por: Ashmar Mandou Nacido en Aguascalientes, México, Pedro Martínez vino a Chicago con su familia a la edad de 5 años en busca de una vida mejor. Orgulloso graduado de… Read more
Cook County Treasurer Pappas to Begin Automatic Refunds to Cook County Homeowners
Almost 11,500 property owners who overpaid their First Installment taxes will automatically get back $25.4 million in refunds this month, Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas said. Almost 4,000 refunds go… Read more
Hispanic Heritage Continues
By: Ashmar Mandou As we continue our celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, we recognize the achievements and contributions of our local heroes, from their philanthropy, to their passion for inspiring… Read more
El Congresista García Presenta Resolución Para Designar el Día de la Enfermera Hispana
Los representantes Jesús G. “Chuy”García (IL-04), Steven Horsford (NV-04), y Nannette Díaz Barragán (CA-44) introdujeron una resolución pra designar el 22 de Septiembre como el Día Nacional de la Enfermera… Read more
Congressman García Introduces Resolution to Designate National Hispanic Nurses Day
Representatives Jesús G. “Chuy” García (IL-04), Steven Horsford (NV-04), and Nannette Diaz Barragán (CA-44) introduced a resolution to designate September 22nd as National Hispanic Nurses Day to recognize the strength… Read more
Renovated Adult Wellness Center at Casa Central Reopens
Casa Central announced the reopening of their Adult Wellness Center (AWC) last week, following an 18-month closure due to COVID-19. In preparation for the reopening, there was careful planning and… Read more
La Tesorera del Condado de Cook, María Pappas, Iniciará los Reembolsos Automáticos a los Propietarios de Viviendas del Condado de Cook
Cerca de 11,500 propietarios de vivienda que pagaron de más el Primer Pago de Impuestos recibirán automáticamente $25,4 millones en reembolsos este mes, dijo la Tesorera del Condado de Cook,… Read more
Report: Latinos are source of economic vitality for Illinois and United States
The 2021 State Latino GDP Report, produced with generous funding from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, provides a factual view of the large and rapidly growing economic contribution of… Read more
Spreading the Love: Hispanic Heritage Series Honors Maria Castro
By: Ashmar Mandou They say leadership takes on many dimensions and encompasses many definitions; leadership is meant to inspire, motivate, and aspire to achieve a common goal. And while we… Read more
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Frida Kahlo: Timeless Virtual tours of the blockbuster exhibition Frida Kahlo: Timeless with original artwork by iconic Mexican painter Frida Kahlo will continue through October 15th in honor of National… Read more
Spooky Season Begins
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Do you dare muster up the courage to visit the haunted sites of the old Joliet prison, or come face to face with the monsters occupying… Read more
‘Viva Mexico’
By: Ashmar Mandou Mexicans celebrate their country’s Independence Day with fireworks, parties (fiestas), food, dance and music on September 16. Flags, flowers and decorations in the colors of the Mexican… Read more
Humble Design Serves 2,000th Client in Fight Against Homelessness
Late August, Humble Design provided charitable services to its 2,000th client emerging from a homeless shelter. With the help of passionate volunteers, Humble Design does this by transforming empty residences… Read more
Fall Outdoor Adventures in the QC
Courtesy of Quad Cities Spend your day outdoors in the Quad Cities, enjoying the cooler temperatures and the beautiful colors. Located on the world-renowned Mississippi River, the QC has plenty… Read more
9/11 Memorial Stair Climbs Retrace Heroic Steps
As Americans reflect on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks this year, nearly 50 cities across the U.S. will pay tribute to the New York Firefighters killed at the… Read more
Humble Design Sirve al Cliente No. 2,000 en su Lucha Contra la Falta de Vivienda
El pasado agosto, Humble Design brindó servicios benéficos a su cliente No. 2,000 que salía de un albergue para desamparados. Con la ayuda de cariñosos voluntarios, Humble Design hace esto,… Read more
Aventuras de Otoño al Aire Libre en QC
Cortesía de Quad Cities Pase su día al aire libre en Quad Cities, disfrutando temperaturas más frescas y hermosos paisajes. Localizado en el mundialmente renombrado Río Mississippi, QC tiene muchos… Read more
Reducing Sugar in Packaged Foods Can Prevent Disease in Millions
Cutting 20 percent of sugar from packaged foods and 40 percent from beverages could prevent 2.48 million cardiovascular disease events (such as strokes, heart attacks, cardiac arrests), 490,000 cardiovascular deaths,… Read more
Labor Day Getaways
By: Ashmar Mandou I hate to be the bearer of bad news but as summer comes to a close we have to make the most of it this Labor Day… Read more
Register for Brookfield Zoo’s Annual Zoo Run
Whether you prefer to sprint like a cheetah or take it as slow as a sloth, lace up your shoes for the return of Brookfield Zoo’s Zoo Run on Sunday,… Read more
Around Town
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Navy Pier Fireworks During the summer, one of the best aerial displays you’ll find in Chicago originates from Navy Pier. From Memorial Day weekend through Labor… Read more
Reducir el Azúcar en los Alimentos Envasados Puede Prevenir Enfermedades en Millones
Cortar el 20 por ciento de azúcar de los alimentos envasados y el 40 por ciento en las bebidas podría prevenir 2.48 millones de enfermedades cardiovasculares (como la embolia, ataques… Read more
Escapadas del Día del Trabajo
Por Ashmar Mandou Odio ser portadora de malas noticias pero se acerca el fin del verano y tenemos que aprovechar al máximo el fin de semana del Día del Trabajo…. Read more
Que Pasa en Chicago
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Fuegos Pirotécnicos de Navy Pier Durante el verano, una de las mejores exhibiciones aéreas que encontrarás en Chicago empieza en Navy Pier. Desde el fin de… Read more
HUB312 Opens Its Doors
Caption by Ashmar Mandou A new transportation and lifestyle center, HUB312 opened their doors to the public at the Jay Pritzker Pavilion on Saturday, Aug. 21st to celebrate the return… Read more
IDHFS Partners with United Way for Child Support Awareness Month Campaign
August is Child Support Awareness Month, and the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services’ Child Support Division is marking the occasion by partnering with local United Way organizations for… Read more
Vaccine Mandate Facing Backlash from Unions
By: Ashmar Mandou Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced Wednesday that all Chicago employees will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 15th, joining other major cities across the country…. Read more
Federal Unemployment Benefit Programs Ending Soon
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) is reminding claimants that federal unemployment programs are coming to an end on September 4, 2021. These programs include: Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)… Read more
HUB312 Abre sus Puertas
Foto por Ashmar Mandou Un nuevo centro de transporte y estilo de vida, HUB312 abrió sus puertas al público en Jay Pritzker Pavilion el sábado, 21 de agosto, para celebrar… Read more
IDHFS se Asocia con United Way para la Campaña del Mes de Concientización Sobre el Apoyo Infantil
Agosto es el Mes de Concientización sobre el Apoyo Infantil y el Departamento de Cuidado de Salud de Illinois y su División de Apoyo Infantil de Servicios Familiares marca la… Read more
El Mandato de Vacunas Enfrenta la Reacción de los Sindicatos
Por: Ashmar Mandou La Alcaldesa Lori Lightfoot anunció el miércoles que todos los empleados de Chicago necesitarán estar totalmente vacunados contra el COVID-19 para el 15 de octubre, uniéndose a… Read more
Pronto Terminan los Programas de Beneficio Federal para los Desempleados
El Departamento de Seguridad en el Empleo de Illinois (IDES) recuerda a quienes lo reclaman que los programas federales de desempleo llegan a su fin el 4 de septiembre del… Read more
Rock On at Ruido Fest
By: Ashmar Mandou Chicago is ready to embrace another large scale music festival that celebrates the explosive sounds to come out of Latino American pop, electro, and Spanish rock, Ruido… Read more
CDPH Announces New Indoor Mask Mandate
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced that it will re-institute a face mask mandate for all indoor public settings as the average number of new daily cases of… Read more
‘The Need is Real’
CTU members urge CPS to address safety protocols By: Ashmar Mandou Members of the Chicago Teachers Union gathered Wednesday morning at Juarez High School to discuss additional safety protections for… Read more
Back-to-School Event Big Success
State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D- Chicago) along with State Rep. Will Guzzardi, the Kelvyn Park Advisory Council and other community partners hosted a Back-to-School Fair Saturday, featuring free school supplies,… Read more
Rock en Ruido Fest
Por: Ashmar Mandou Chicago está lista para acoger otro festival de música a gran escala que celebra los sonidos explosivos del pop latinoamericano, el electro y el rock español, Ruido… Read more
CDPH Anuncia Nuevo Mandato de Máscaras para Interiores
El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH) anunció que re-instituirá un mandato de máscaras para todos los lugares públicos bajo techo, ya que el número promedio de nuevos casos… Read more
‘La Necesidad es Real’
Miembros de CTU exhortan a CPS a Atender Protocolos de Seguridad Por: Ashmar Mandou Miembros del Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago se reunieron el miércoes por la mañana en Juárez… Read more
City in Mourning
By: Ashmar Mandou Chicago Police Officer Ella French, 29-years-old, was shot and killed last Saturday in a gunfight that injured two others. The shooting happened after three officers pulled over… Read more
Out Our Front Door Announces New Biking and Camping Experience for Children with Special Needs
Out Our Front Door in partnership with Adaptive Adventures and the Chicago Park District announced the launch of the first Adaptive Bike Camping program for people with disabilities that combines… Read more
Treasurer Maria Pappas to Tour Local Businesses in South Austin and Forest Park
Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas and her outreach team will visit 13 small businesses in South Austin and Forest Park this week as part of her tour of local businesses… Read more
State Announces Back to Business Grant Program
By: Ashmar Mandou The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and Governor JB Pritzker announced on Wednesday the $250 million Back to Business (B2B) grant program to support… Read more
La Ciudad Está de Luto
Por Ashmar Mandou La Oficial de Policía de Chicago, Ella French, de 29 años, fue balaceada y muerta el pasado sábado en una balacera en el que otras dos personas… Read more
La Tesorera Maria Pappas Recorrerá Empresas Locales en el Sur de Austin y Forest Park
La Tesorera del Condado de Cook, María Pappas y su equipo de enlace, visitarán 13 comercios en el Sur de Austin y Forest Park esta semana, como parte de su… Read more
El Estado Anuncia el Programa de Subvenciones Back to Business
Por Ashmar Mandou El Departamento de Comercio y Oportunidades Económicas de Illinois (DCEO) y el Gobernador JB Pritzker anunciaron el miércoles, el programa de subvenciones Back to Business (B2B), de… Read more
Boost Your Happiness
Do you know what Happiness Happens Day is? It is a national day to simply just let happiness happen! On this day, happiness that comes in big and small packages… Read more
Sones de México Ensemble Presents: Zulema
Sones de México Ensemble presents Zulema by Dolores Diaz and Co-Directed by Henry Godinez and Marcela Muñoz. Zulema, a Goodman Theatre partnership with the Chicago Park District, DCASE, Chicago Latino… Read more
Sheriff’s Office Offers Free Assistance to Tenants, Housing Providers as Eviction Moratorium Expires
As the moratorium on filing eviction cases has been lifted, Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart is reminding housing providers and tenants grappling with eviction that they can access the… Read more
North Lawndale Welcomes Youth-Led Douglass 18
By: Ashmar Mandou It’s time to tee-off! Residents in the North Lawndale community will welcome a new youth-designed, conservation-themed miniature golf course, Douglass 18, which opens to the public on… Read more
Aumenta tu Felicidad
¿Sabes qué es el día de la felicidad? ¡Es un día nacional para dejar simplemente que la felicidad ocurra! En este día, se celebra la felicidad que viene en paquetes… Read more
Sones de México Ensemble Presenta: Zulema
Sones de México Ensemble presenta Zulema por Dolores Díaz y co-dirigida por Henry Godinez y Marcela Muñoz. Zulema, afiliada de Goodman Theatre con el Distrito de Parques de Chicago, DCASE,… Read more
La Oficina del Alguacil Ofrece Asistencia Gratuita a Inquilinos y Propietarios al Expirar la Moratoria de Desalojo
A medida que se levantó la moratoria sobre la presentación de casos de desalojo, el alguacil del condado de Cook, Thomas J. Dart, les recuerda a los proveedores de vivienda… Read more
Lolla is Back: What to Know
By: Ashmar Mandou Lollapalooza is back! From July 29th through August 1st, Grant Park will transform into a music lover’s paradise as acts, such as Post Malone, Megan Thee Stallion,… Read more
Kids’ Free Days at Brookfield Zoo
Before the kids head back to school, take a “staycation” at Brookfield Zoo for Kids’ Free Days, sponsored by Xfinity. On August 2, 3, and 4, children 11 and under… Read more
Gov. Pritzker Signs Package of Legislation Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights
Governor JB Pritzker signed a package of legislation advancing the rights of the LGBTQ+ community in Illinois. The four pieces of legislation expand infertility treatment coverage for same-sex couples and… Read more
CTA Named Top Large U.S. Transit Agency; President Carter Named Top Transit Executive
The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) has received the highest honors in the North American public transportation industry: the Outstanding Public Transportation System Award and the Outstanding Public Transportation Manager Award,… Read more
Lolla Regresa: Que Debemos Saber
Por: Ashmar Mandou ¡Lollapalooza Regresa! Del 29 de julio al 1º de agosto el Grant Park se convierte en un paraíso para los amantes de la música, ya que personajes… Read more
El Gobernador Pritzker Firma un Paquete de Legislación que Promueve los Derechos LGBTQ+
El Gobernador Pritzker firmó un paquete de legislación promoviendo los derechos de la comunidad LGBTQ+ en Illinois. Las cuatro legislaciones amplían la cobertura del tratamiento de infertilidad para parejas del… Read more
CTA nombrada la Agencia de Tránsito de los EE. UU. Más Importante; El Presidente Carter es Nombrado Principal Ejecutivo de Tránsito
La Autoridad de Tránsito de Chicago (CTA) ha recibido los más altos honores en la industria del transporte público norteamericano: El Premio de Sistema de Transporte Público Destacado y el… Read more
IDOC Hosts Hiring Fair
The Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) is hosting a hiring fair for anyone interested in learning about the agency’s career opportunities. Prospective applicants are encouraged to stop by the event… Read more
Public Health Officials Warn Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Sunny Crunch Salad
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is working with local health departments, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate… Read more
Pritzker Announces Re-Election Bid
By: Ashmar Mandou Governor JB Pritzker recently announced his run for re-election on Monday in a Tweet to his followers. “Big news: I’m running for re-election,” he wrote. “We’ve been… Read more
City Unveils New Chicago Park District Campus
City Officials Chicago Park District General Superintendent Michael Kelly, and Don Villar, Secretary-Treasurer from the Chicago Federation of Labor broke ground on the new Chicago Park District Campus in the Brighton Park… Read more
Funcionarios de Salud Pública Advierten Sobre un Brote de Salmonela Relacionado con la Ensalada Sunny Crunch
El Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois (IDPH) está trabajando con los departamentos de salud locales, el Centro para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) y la Administración de… Read more
La Ciudad Devela Nuevo Campus del Distrito de Parques de Chicago
Funcionarios de la Ciudad de Chicago, el Superintendente General del Distrito de Parques de Chicago, Michael Kelly y el Secretario-Tesorero de la Federación de trabajo de Chicago, Don Villar, pusieron… Read more
Taste of Greektown Festival Returns to Chicago
Greektown Chicago’s popular Taste of Greektown festival returns for its 31st year this summer with the city’s largest celebration of Hellenic cuisine and culture, Friday, August 27 through Sunday, August… Read more
CTU Begins Door-Knock Outreach to Increase Vaccination Rates for Eligible Students
By: Ashmar Mandou In anticipation of the 2021-2022 school year ahead, members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) are dissatisfied with Chicago Public School’s handling of COVID-19 vaccinations and the… Read more
Cook County to Identify Causes of Crime and Violence
By: Ashmar Mandou Cook County Board President Preckwinkle joined Commissioner Dennis Deer, Congressman Danny Davis and community leaders to announce a $1.5 million investment to community-based organizations through the Justice… Read more
Around Town
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Taco Crawl Thursday, July 15 Tickets: $20 The nonprofit Rogers Park Business Alliance (RPBA) announces the full menu for its TACO CRAWL, a taco extravaganza brought… Read more
El Festival Taste of Greektown Regresa a Chicago
El popular festival Taste of Greetown de Chicago regresa en su 31º año este verano, con la celebración más grande de la ciudad de la cocina y la cultura helénica,… Read more
CTU Comienza un Enlace de Puerta en Puerta para Aumentar la Tasa de Vacunación para Estudiantes Elegibles
Por: Ashmar Mandou En anticipación del año escolar 2021-2022, los miembros del Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago (CTU) están descontentos con la forma en que las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago… Read more
El Condado de Cook Identifica las Causas del Crimen y la Violencia
Por Ashmar Mandou La Presidenta de la Junta del Condado de Cook, Preckwinkle, se unió al Comisionado Dennis Deer, al Congresista Danny Davis y a líderes comunitarios para anunciar una… Read more
Que Pasa en Chicago
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Taco Crawl Jueves, 15 de julio Boletos: $20 La organización no lucrativa Rogers Park Business Alliance (RPBA) anuncia el menú completo de su TACO CRAWL, taco… Read more
Organization Calls on Mayor Lightfoot to Tackle Root Causes of Violence
Courtesy of United Working Families After more than a hundred shot and 18 killed in deadliest Chicago weekend of the year, Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s anti-violence strategy continues to fail neighborhoods… Read more
In partnership with Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, Art on theMART will launch a series of new projections saluting Chicago-based musicians in honor of the City’s Year… Read more
CPS, CDPH Announce Student Vaccination Strategy
By: Ashmar Mandou This week, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced a strategy to improve the outreach for eligible students to get vaccinated… Read more
St. Augustine Offers Free Online GED Courses
St. Augustine College offers innovative, free, and intensive 10-week GED preparation courses in both English and Spanish, with a strong career and college readiness component. Students receive personalized support to… Read more
Organización pide a la Alcaldesa Lightfoot que Atienda las causas Fundamentales de la Violencia
Cortesía de United Working Families Después de más de 10 disparos y 18 muertos en el fín de semana del año más mortal de Chicago, la estrategia anti-violencia de la… Read more
En colaboración con el Departamento de Asuntos Culturales y Eventos Especiales de Chicago, Art on the MART lanzará una serie de nuevas proyecciones saludando a los músicos con sede en… Read more
St. Augustine Ofrece Cursos Gratis de GED en Línea
St. Augustine College ofrece cursos de preparación para el GED innovadores, gratis e intensivos, de 10 semanas, en inglés y español, con un fuerte componente en preparación universitaria y de… Read more
Return to Work
By: Ashmar Mandou Hotel workers, labor leaders, and City Officials signed the Hotel Worker Right to Return to Work ordinance this week. This piece of legislation requires that as guests… Read more
Hernandez Extends Immigration Assistance for Survivors of Human Trafficking
A new law spearheaded by state Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, will assist immigrants who are survivors of human trafficking. “We must support survivors of human trafficking, regardless of their… Read more
High School Students Receive Grants from Union League Boys and Girls Clubs
Forty-eight (48) current and recent high school graduates hailing from Chicago’s South and West sides will receive $161,000 (total) in financial scholarships granted by Union League Boys & Girls Clubs,… Read more
Pitch In
By: Ashmar Mandou Earlier this month the nonprofit Chicago Parks Foundation (CPF) announced the second annual of “Pitch In for the Parks!” an effort designed to help maintain the city’s… Read more
Fourth of July Fun
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Enjoy all Chicago has to offer from an amusement park to the views from the Chicago River, there is something for everyone this Fourth of July… Read more
Regreso al Trabajo
Por: Ashmar Mandou Trabajadores de hoteles, líderes laborales y funcionarios de la ciudad firmaron esta semana la ordenanza Derecho del Trabajador Hotelero de Regresar al Trabajo. Esta legislación requiere que… Read more
La Rep. Hernández Extiende Ayuda de Inmigración a los Sobrevivientes del Tráfico Humano
Una nueva ley encabezada por la Rep. estatal Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernández, D-Cicero, ayudará a los inmigrantes sobrevivientes de tráfico humano. “ Debemos apoyar a los sobrevivientes del tráfico humano, sin… Read more
Los Estudiantes de Secundaria Reciben Subsidios de los Clubs Union League Boys and Girls
Cuarenta y ocho (48) recientes y actuales graduados de secundaria de los sectores sur y oeste, recibirán $161,000 (en total) en becas financieras concedidas por Union League Boys & Girls… Read more
Por: Ashmar Mandou A principios de este mes, la organización no lucrativa Chicago Parks Foundation (CPF) anunció el segundo”Pitch In for the Parks!” [Ayuda en los Parques] anual, esfuerzo diseñado… Read more
Donde Divertirse el Cuatro de Julio
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Disfrute todo lo que Chicago tiene que ofrecer, desde un parque de diversiones hasta el panorama desde el Río Chicago, este fin de semana del Cuatro… Read more
Teatro ZinZanni Returns: Cast Member Storm Marrero Talks New Role
By: Ashmar Mandou Live comedy, music, and unique thrills once again returns to Chicago with Teatro Zinzanni beginning July 8 at the Chicago Theatre District. An incomparable experience, Teatro Zinzanni… Read more
Chicago Youth March Against Gun Violence
On Monday youth and members from Good Kids Mad City (GKMC), Black Lives Matter Women of Faith, AMPR, Nita’s Love Train, Erase the Gang Database Coalition, State legislators, and families… Read more
CDPH Announces Changes at City-Run Vaccination Sites
By: Ashmar Mandou The Chicago Department of Public Health on Wednesday announced plans to decommission a number of City-run vaccination sites and stated their focus is now on hyperlocal distribution… Read more
Congressman García Announces Winner of Congressional Art Competition
Congressman Jesús “Chuy ” García announced the winner of the 2021 Congressional Art Competition representing the 4th Congressional District is Katherrin Amber Billordo, an 11th grade student at Northside College… Read more
Regresa el Teatro ZinZanni: Una de los Miembros del Reparto, Storm Marrero, Habla Sobre un Nuevo Papel
Por Ashmar Mandou Comedia en vivo, música y emociones únicas regresan una vez más a Chicago con el Teatro Zinzanni, que comienza el 8 de julio en Chicago Theatre District…. Read more
Marcha Juvenil de Chicago Contra la Violencia Armada
El lunes, jóvenes y miembros de Good Kids Mad City (GKMC) Black Lives Matter Women of Faith, AMPR, Nita’s Love Train, Erase the Gang Database Coalition, Legisladores Estatales y familias… Read more
CDPH Anuncia Cambios en los Sitios de Vacunación Administrados por la Ciudad
Por: Ashmar Mandou El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago anunció planes para el desmantelamiento de un número de sitios de vacunación administrados por la ciudad y declaró que su… Read more
El Congresista García Anuncia al Ganador de la Competencia de Arte Congresional
El Congresista Jesús “Chuy” García, anunció al ganador de la Competencia de Arte Congresional del 2021. Representando al 4º Distrito Congresional está Katherrin Amber Billordo, estudiante del 11º grado de… Read more
City Selects Dr. José Torres to Serve as Interim CEO at CPS
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and Chicago Board of Education President Miguel del Valle announced that veteran educator Dr. José M. Torres has been selected to serve as interim Chief Executive… Read more
Families, Businesses Can Beat Summer Heat with Tips from ComEd
Summer in northern Illinois brings barbeques, outdoor fun and the potential for extreme weather. ComEd’s investments to maintain and upgrade the grid are bringing improved reliability and protection against outages… Read more
Community Rallies Against Demolition of Historic Building
By: Ashmar Mandou Residents and community leaders gathered this week to rally against Chicago Public Schools’ decision to demolish the historic building in Altgeld Gardens public housing community at the… Read more
No Kid Hungry
By: Ashmar Mandou While summer break can bring on loads of fun-filled activities for most kids, others find a few challenges when it comes to proper nutrition. During a press… Read more
La Ciudad Selecciona al Dr. José Torres para Servir como Director Ejecutivo Interino de CPS
La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot y el Presidente de la Junta de Educación de Chicago, Miguel del Valle, anunciaron que el educador veterano Dr. José M. Torres, ha sido seleccionado… Read more
Familias y Negocios Pueden Combatir el Calor con Consejos de ComEd
El verano en el norte de Illinois significa parrilladas, diversión al aire libre y un potencial de clima extremo. Las inversiones de ComEd para mantener y actualizar la red están… Read more
Manifestaciones Comunitarias Contra la Demolición de Edificio Histórico
Por: Ashmar Mandou Residentes y líderes comunitarios se reunieron esta semana para hacer una manifestación contra la decisión de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago de demoler el edificio en la… Read more
Ningún Niño Pasa Hambre
Por: Ashmar Mandou Aunque las vacaciones de verano puede significar divertidas actividades para la mayoría de los niños, otros encuentran unos cuantos retos cuando se trata de una nutrición apropiada…. Read more
Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade
The celebration of culture and heritage that is Chicago’s annual Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade will return in person for its 43rd year on Saturday, June 19th, 2021. The Parade’s… Read more
Around Town
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Old Town Art Fair The Old Town Art Fair returns, hosting the work of more than 200 artists on the streets of the Near North Side… Read more
Tips for Men’s Health
By: Ashmar Mandou In honor of Men’s Health Awareness month, we have shared steps the men in your life can take today and everyday to improve their vitality and help… Read more
City Announces ‘Holding Healing Spaces for Youth’ Conference
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced ‘Holding Healing Spaces for Youth’—a virtual, multi-day conference for youth developers focused on mental health and racial healing. This first of its kind, trauma-informed training is geared towards adults… Read more
Desfile del Día del Pueblo Puertorriqueño
La celebración de la cultura y la herencia es lo que es el Desfile del Día del Pueblo Puertorriqueño que regresará en vivo para su 43º año el sábado, 19… Read more
Que Pasa en Chicago
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Feria de Arte en Old Town Regresa la Feria de Arte en Old Town, presentando la obra de más de 200 artistas en las calles del… Read more
Consejos para la Salud Masculina
Por: Ashmar Mandou En honor del mes de Concientización de la Salud Masculina, hemos compartido los pasos que el hombre de su vida puede dar hoy y todos los días… Read more
La Ciudad Anuncia la Conferencia ‘Holding Healing Spaces for Youth’
La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot anunció ‘Holding Healing Spaces for Youth’ [Reservando Espacios Curativos para la Juventud]. Este entrenamiento, primero en su clase, informa sobre el trauma y está dirigido… Read more
Timeless: Frida Kahlo Exhibit Debuts in Chicago
By: Ashmar Mandou It’s finally here! The much anticipated Frida Kahlo Exhibit makes its debut this weekend at the College of DuPage. The Cleve Carney Museum of Art (CCMA) and… Read more
Illinois Senate Passes Bill Allowing Public Defenders to Represent Immigrants Facing Deportation
The Illinois Senate voted 36 to 18 to pass HB2790, which would give public defenders in Cook County the discretion to represent noncitizens before Chicago’s Immigration Court. The Illinois House… Read more
ComEd Awards Scholarships to Help DePaul College Prep Students
ComEd has selected three DePaul College Prep students interested in pursuing careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) to receive financial support as part of this year’s ComEd Scholars cohort…. Read more
Hernandez Promotes Immigration Rights, Education, for Working Families
State Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, has worked hard to develop measures that protect immigrants, advance the creation of a media literacy curriculum in schools, and provide housing relief for… Read more
Eterna: Exhibición de Frida Kahlo Debuta en Chicago
Por: Ashmar Mandou Finalmente llegó: La tan anticipada Exhibición de Frida Kahlo debuta este fin de semana en College of DuPage. Cleve Carney Museum of Art (CCMA) y McAninch Arts… Read more
La Rep. Estatal Hernández Promueve los Derechos de Inmigración y Educación para las Familias Trabajadoras.
La Rep. Estatal Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernández, D-Cicero, ha luchado incansablemente para desarrollar medidas que protegan a los inmigrantes, avanzar la creación del currículo de alfabetización en los medios de comunicación… Read more
Smart Spending this Summer
By Silver Castillo, Financial Representative with COUNTRY Financial® Edited by Lawndale Bilingual News As vaccinations continue to rise and restrictions loosen, many Americans are feeling optimistic about the summer. A… Read more
Munoz Advances Plan to Make Genetic Medical Testing Accessible
Biomarker testing — the medical technology used to determine medical risk factors like cancer — would be covered under state-regulated insurance plans under a measure sponsored by Assistant Majority Leader… Read more
Spotting Pandemic-linked Scams
By: Ashmar Mandou Pandemic related scams are on the rise, affecting a large portion of immigrants across Chicago that State Attorney General Kwame Raoul held a briefing with community media… Read more
Memorial Weekend Fun
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Art on theMART Friday, May 21 – Saturday, June 26 Merchandise Mart It’s the premier weekend for the new art installation, Hope is a Light: Select Works… Read more
Gaste Inteligentemente Este Verano
Por Silver Castillo, Representante Financiero de COUNTRY Financial® Editado por Lawndale Bilingual News Al continuar aumentando la vacunación y disminuyendo las restricciones, muchos estadounidenses se sienten optimistas sobre el verano…. Read more
Muñoz Avanza Plan para Hacer Accesibles Pruebas Médicas Genéticas
Prueba de Biomarcadores – la tecnología médica utilizada para determinar factores médicos de riesgo, como el cáncer – serían cubiertos bajo planes de seguros regulados por el estado bajo una… Read more
Como Detectar Estafas Vinculadas a la Pandemia
Por: Ashmar Mandou Las estafas relacionadas con la pandemia siguen aumentando, afectando a una gran porción de inmigrantes en Chicago y el Procurador General del Estado, Kwame Raoul, sostuvo el… Read more
Fin de Semana de Memorial Day
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Art on theMART De viernes, 21 de mayo a sábado, 26 de junio Merchandise Mart Es el fin de semana premier de la nueva instalación de… Read more
Step Closer to CPD Transparency
By: Ashmar Mandou In an effort to remedy the rising discernment between the Chicago Police Department and local activists, the Mayor’s Office, alongside Chairman of the Finance Committee, Scott Waguespack,… Read more
Lollapalooza Returns to Chicago
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and Lollapalooza organizers are thrilled to announce that the world class festival will return to Grant Park at full capacity July 29-August 1, 2021. In accordance… Read more
ComEd Offers Options to Help Customers Manage Electric Bills
As many northern Illinois residents experience mounting expenses as a result of the pandemic, ComEd offers payment assistance programs that may help with past-due balances now and energy-saving tools that… Read more
Around Town
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Switch on Summer Via Livestream Free Saturday, May 22nd Get ready for ComEd’s 7th annual Switch on Summer, which celebrates the start of summer with… Read more
Un Paso más Cerca de la Transparencia de CPD
Por: Ashmar Mandou En un esfuerzo por remediar el discernimiento entre el Departamento de Policía de Chicago y los activistas locales, la Oficina de la Alcaldesa, junto con el Director… Read more
Lollapalooza Regresa a Chicago
La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot y los organizadores de Lollapalooza están entusiasmados de anunciar que el festival clase mundial regresará a Grant Park en toda su capacidad, del 29 de… Read more
Que Pasa en Chicago
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Prende el Verano Via Livestream Gratis Sábado, 22 de mayo Prepárate para el 7º evento anual ‘Switch on Summer’ de ComEd, que celebra el comienzo… Read more
Care for Yourself
By: Ashmar Mandou Mental health is a vital component of health. It is a state of well-being, the ability to handle everyday stressors, the ability to enjoy life. While we… Read more
Illinois Jumpstarts Summer Tourism
By: Ashmar Mandou Time to hit the road this summer. On Wednesday, Governor JB Pritzker joined the Illinois Office of Tourism to kick off “Time for Me to Drive,” a… Read more
Teatro ZinZanni Returns to Chicago Theatre District
Teatro ZinZanni is pleased to announce its Grand Re-Opening with a brand-new show starring veteran performer, Frank Ferrante. An experience unlike any other, Teatro ZinZanni is a whirlwind of international… Read more
Chicago Park District Announces ‘Summer of Possibilities’
The Chicago Park District is launching online registration for 2021 Summer Day Camp and Summer Park Programs on May 10 at 9 a.m. Summer Day Camp will run for six… Read more
Cuídate a ti Mismo
Por: Ashmar Mandou La salud mental es un componente vital para la salud. Es un estado de bienestar, la habilidad para manejar todas las situaciones tensas de la vida, la… Read more
Illinois Impulsa el Turismo de Verano
Por: Ashmar Mandou Es hora de agarrar camino este verano. El miércoles, el Gobernador JB Pritzker se unió a la Oficina de Turismo de Illinois para lanzar “Es Hora de… Read more
El Teatro ZinZanni Regresa al Distrito de Teatros de Chicago
El Teatro ZinZanni se complace en anunciar su Gran Reapertura con un nuevo espectáculo protagonizado por el veterano intérprete, Frank Ferrante. Una experiencia como no hay otra, El Teatro ZinZanni… Read more
El Distrito de Parques de Chicago Anuncia ‘Verano de Posibilidades’
El Distrito de Parques de Chicago está lanzando la inscripción en línea para el Campamento Diurno de Verano del 2021 y los Programas de Verano del Parque, el 10 de… Read more
Castro Spearheads Measure to Provide Housing, Support to Those with Mental Illnesses
To support and protect people with serious mental illness and substance use disorders and prevent unnecessary institutionalization, State Senator Cristina Castro has introduced a measure to help people obtain affordable… Read more
The Odyssey Project
The Odyssey Project, an initiative of Illinois Humanities and an affiliate of the Clemente Course in the Humanities, is a free college-credit granting humanities-based program for income-eligible adults who have… Read more
Return to Summer Events
By: Ashmar Mandou The City announced the return of summer cultural events as part of its “Open Chicago” initiative that kicked off a few weeks ago. Summer cultural events for… Read more
May Day in Chicago
Caption by Ashmar Mandou Hundreds gathered in support of immigrant legalization, essential workers, and fair wages last Saturday for May Day. For many at the protest it was a day… Read more
Castro Encabeza Medida para Dar Vivienda y Apoyo a Personas con Enfermedades Mentales
Para apoyar y proteger a la gente con graves enfermedades mentales y trastornos por uso de sustancias y prevenir la institucionalización innecesaria, la Senadora Estatal Cristina Castro introdujo una medida… Read more
La Ciudad Anuncia el Regreso del Auto Show de Chicago
El Gobernador JB Pritzker y la Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot se unieron a funcionarios electos, patrocinadores del turismo y líderes del trabajo para el regreso del Auto Show de Chicago… Read more
El Proyecto Odyssey
El Proyecto Odyssey, iniciativa de Illinois Humanities y un afiliado del Curso Clemente en Humanidades, es un programa gratuito basado en humanidades que otorga créditos universitarios para adultos con ingresos… Read more
Regresan los Eventos de Verano
Por: Ashmar Mandou Ls ciudad anunció el regreso de los eventos culturales de verano como parte de su iniciativa “Chicago Abierto” que se inició hace unas cuantas semanas. Los eventos… Read more
Día 1º de Mayo en Chicago
Caption by Ashmar Mandou Cientos de personas se reunieron en apoyo a la legalización del inmigrante, trabajadores esenciales y salarios justos, el sábado pasado en el Día 1º de Mayo…. Read more
McDonald’s Partners with GSF Foundation to Donate Shoes
McDonald’s Owner/Operator, Carmen Solano De Carrier, and the Golden State Foods Foundation (GSF) partnered to provide more than 600 pairs of shoes to at-risk children through the GSF Foundation’s Best… Read more
ComEd Welcomes New Students to Construction Workforce
By: Ashmar Mandou Last week, ComEd held its ninth consecutive graduation ceremony celebrating the 90 students who partook in the ComEd CONSTRUCT Infrastructure Academy, an 11-week job training program that… Read more
Cinco de Mayo Around Chicago
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Cicero Cinco de Mayo The Town of Cicero will host a virtual Zoom Cinco de Mayo event on the Town of Cicero Facebook Page on Wednesday,… Read more
Villanueva Passes Legislation to Create Domestic Violence Commission
To protect women and children in Illinois, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) passed legislation the Illinois Senate that would establish the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Commission. “Incidents of domestic violence… Read more
McDonald’s se Asocia con GSF Foundation para Donar Zapatos
La Propietaria/Operadora de McDonald’s, Carmen Solano De Carrier y Golden State Foods Foundation (GSF) se asociaron para dar más de 600 pares de zapatos a niños de alto riesgo a… Read more
ComEd da la Bienvenida a Nuevos Estudiantes a la Fuerza Laboral de la Construcción
Por Ashmar Mandou La semana pasada, ComEd tuvo su novena ceremonia de graduación consecutiva, celebrando a 90 estudiantes que tomaron parte en la Academia de Infraestructura CONSTRUCT de ComEd, programa… Read more
Villanueva Aprueba Legislación para Crear Comisión de Violencia Doméstica
Para proteger a las mujeres y niños de Illinois, la Senadora Estatal Illinois para establecer la Comisión de Revisión de Fatalidades de Violencia Doméstica. “Los incidentes de violencia doméstica han… Read more
Hernandez Passes Bipartisan Measure to Ensure the Counting of Undocumented Individuals in 2020 Census
Illinois is one step closer to being completely counted in the recent 2020 Census after state Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, passed legislation that will include all members of a… Read more
SEIU Local 1 Chicagoland Janitors Ratify Strong New Contracts
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1 frontline janitors, who have kept the public clean and safe throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ratified strong new 3-year contracts that guarantee good annual… Read more
Celebrate Earth Day All Week
Cook County Board and Forest Preserves of Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle joined Forest Preserves General Superintendent Arnold Randall and Commissioners Sean Morrison, Bridget Degnen, Donna Miller and Frank Aguilar… Read more
Latino Leaders Call on Toledo Investigation
By: Ashmar Mandou In response to the recent fatal shooting of 13-year old Adam Toledo, leaders from the Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois, the Puerto Rican Bar Association of Illinois,… Read more
Hernández aprueba medida bipartidista para garantizar el recuento de personas indocumentadas en el censo del 2020
Illinois está un paso más cerca de ser completamente contado en el reciente censo de 2020 después de que la representante estatal Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernández, demócrata de Cicero, aprobó una… Read more
Los conserjes de SEIU Local 1 en Chicagoland ratifican nuevos y sólidos contratos
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Los conserjes de primera línea del Local 1, que han mantenido al público limpio y seguro durante la pandemia COVID-19, ratificaron nuevos y sólidos contratos… Read more
Celebra el Día de la Tierra toda la semana
La Junta del Condado de Cook y Forest Preserves of Cook County, Toni Preckwinkle, se unieron al Superintendente General de Forest Preserves, Arnold Randall, y a los Comisionados Sean Morrison,… Read more
Líderes latinos llaman a la investigación de Toledo
Por: Ashmar Mandou En respuesta al reciente tiroteo fatal de Adam Toledo, de 13 años, los líderes de la Asociación de Abogados Hispanos de Illinois, la Asociación de Abogados de… Read more
City Honors COVID-19 Victims
Caption by Ashmar Mandou Photo Credit: Tony Diaz Honorable Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas, and Clerk Iris Martinez, among others held… Read more
‘This is a mental health crisis’
South, Westside call on Mayor for Mental Health Funding By: Ashmar Mandou Mental health activists rallied together Monday outside of the Woodlawn Health Center to mark the ninth year anniversary… Read more
IDPH Pauses Use of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
In accordance with recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) will… Read more
Clerk Martinez Initiatives Protecting Sex Crime Victims Pass Committee
To protect the identities of child and adult sex crime victims, Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Iris Y. Martinez is partnering with Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) on… Read more
“Esta es una Crisis de Salud Mental”
South, Westside Convocan a la Alcaldesa para la Financiación de la Salud Mental Por: Ashmar Mandou Activistas de salud mental se reunieron el lunes frente al Woodlawn Health Center para… Read more
Clerk Martinez Iniciativas para Proteger el Comité de Aprobación de Víctimas de Delitos Sexuales
Para proteger las identidades de las víctimas de delitos sexuales de niños y adultos, la secretaria del tribunal de circuito del condado de Cook, Iris Y. Martinez, se ha asociado… Read more
City Welcomes New Director of Digital Strategy
The City of Chicago announced Ximena N. Larkin will serve as Director of Digital Strategy. Larkin is an award-winning strategic communications leader with more than 10 years of experience. She… Read more
Chicago CBP Seizes $1.6M in Counterfeit Currency
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at Chicago’s International Mail Facility (IMF) have been counting a lot of money, counterfeit money, in different denominations that have been seized from… Read more
City Honors National Library Week
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, joined by 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale, Chicago Public Library (CPL) Commissioner Chris Brown, Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) CEO Tracey Scott, and Department of Family Support and… Read more
Teacher Shortage Crisis in Illinois
By: Ashmar Mandou In an effort to address the crisis on early childhood education, State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas called on the General Assembly to act on recommendations in the report… Read more
La Ciudad Da la Bienvenida a la Nueva Directora de Digital Strategy
La Ciudad de Chicago anunció que Ximena N. Larkin será la nueva Directora de Digital Strategy. Larkin es una líder premiada de estrategia en comunicaciones, con más de 10 años… Read more
CBP de Chicago Incauta 1,6 Millones de Dólares en Moneda Falsa
Funcionarios de U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) en International Mail Facility (IMF) de Chicago han estado contando mucho dinero, dinero falso, en diferentes denominaciones, que han tomado de parcelas… Read more
Crisis de Escasez de Maestros en Illinois
Por Ashmar Mandou En un esfuerzo por atender la crisis de la educación infantil temprana, la Senadora Estatal Cristina Pacione-Zayas acudió a la Asamblea General para actuar sobre recomendaciones en… Read more
Easter Services
Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, archbishop of Chicago, will observe Holy Week with in-person liturgical celebrations at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 N. State Street, Chicago. Holy Week is the last week… Read more
Easter Activities Around Chicagoland
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Easter Photos at North Riverside Park Mall Head over to North Riverside Park Mall for Easter photos and visit the Bunny! Digital Hot Shots professional portrait… Read more
Two New Mass Vaccination Sites to Open in Chicago
The City of Chicago announced that two new mass vaccination sites will open in Chicago on April 5, with the city now in phase 1c of COVID-19 vaccine eligibility. The… Read more
State to Provide Unprecedented Funding to Illinois Schools
By: Ashmar Mandou On Wednesday, Governor Pritzker unveiled an ambitious plan for school districts K-12 across Illinois. Approximately, $7 billion in federal funding will go to support students as they… Read more
Servicios de Pascua
El Cardenal Blase J. Cupich, Arzobispo de Chicago, observará la Semana Santa con celebraciones litúrgicas en la Catedral del Santo Nombre, 735 N. State S., Chicago. La Semana Santa es… Read more
Actividades de Pascua en Chicago
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Fotos de Pascua en North Riverside Park Mall Visite el Centro Comercial de North Riverside para hacerse fotos de pascua y visitar al conejo Bunny! El… Read more
Dos Nuevos Sitios de Vacunación Masiva en Chicago
La Ciudad de Chicago anunció dos nuevos sitios de vacunación masiva en Chicago el 5 de abril, con la ciudad ahora en fase 1c de elegibilidad de la vacuna del… Read more
El Estado Dará Fondos sin Precedentes a las Escuelas de Illinois
Por Ashmar Mandou El miércoles, el Gobernador Pritzker reveló un plan para distritos escolares K-12 en Illinois. Aproximadamente, $7 mil millones en fondos federales serán para apoyar a los estudiantes… Read more
High Vitamin D Levels May Protect Against COVID-19
A new research study at the University of Chicago Medicine has found that when it comes to COVID-19, having vitamin D levels above those traditionally considered sufficient may lower the… Read more
Redistricting Hearings Nears End
By: Ashmar Mandou This year, Chicago embarked on redistricting hearings for the 50 wards, a process that will impact the lives of nearly three million residents. As a result, the… Read more
City Announces Chicago Alfresco Program
Choose Chicago and the Chicago Department of Transportation, announced Chicago Alfresco, an initiative to increase outdoor dining area and the opportunity for businesses and community organizations to design creative long-term… Read more
Around Town
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Lincoln Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Pretty in Pink What: The Lincoln Park Conservatory is welcoming back guests and debuting its Spring Flower Show, which features… Read more
Altos Niveles de Vitamina D Pueden Protegerle Contra el COVID-19
Un nuevo estudio de investigación en medicina de la Universidad de Chicago, ha descubierto que cuando se trata del COVID-19, tener niveles de vitamina D por encima de los que… Read more
La Ciudad Anuncia el Programa Chicago Alfresco
Escoja Chicago y el Departamento de Transporte de Chicago, anunció Chicago Alfresco, una iniciativa para aumentar las áreas de comida al aire libre y la oportunidad de que el comercio… Read more
Que Pasa en Chicago
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Show de Flores de Primavera del Conservatorio de Lincoln Park: Pretty in Pink Que: El Conservatorio de Lincoln Park da la bienvenida a los asistentes que… Read more
Easter Scavenger Egg Hunt at North Riverside Park Mall
Join North Riverside Park Mall for a safe, socially distanced event! Follow their bunny trail of clues to win an Easter basket full of goodies. Have your smartphone and favorite… Read more
CPS Announces Employees Eligible to Sign-Up for Vaccination
By: Ashmar Mandou On Wednesday, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) announced that all CPS employees, as well as vendors who regularly work in schools — more than 52,000 people — have… Read more
Road to Sobriety
By: Ashmar Mandou Addiction can be quite difficult to understand for those who have never experienced it. Everyone’s experience with addiction is unique. Everyone’s reason for turning to drug or… Read more
Barbara Jean Wright Court Secures CHA Vouchers for 160 Apartments
In an action that will help bring new ownership to the long-troubled Barbara Jean Wright Court apartment complex and ensure the preservation and improvement of affordable housing in the rapidly… Read more
Búsqueda de Huevos de Pascua en North Riverside Park Mall
Unase a North Riverside Park Mall en un evento social, seguro y con la sana distancia! Siga su rastro de pistas del conejito para ganar una canasta de Pascua llena… Read more
CPS Anuncia Empleados Elegibles para Registrarse para la Vacunación
Por: Ashmar Mandou El miércoles, las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) anunciaron que a todos los empleados de CPS, así como a los vendedores que regularmente trabajan en las escuelas… Read more
Camino a la Sobriedad
Por: Ashmar Mandou La adicción puede ser muy difícil de entender para quienes nunca la han experimentado. La experiencia de todos con la adición es única. La razón de todos… Read more
Barbara Jean Wright Court Obtiene Vales de CHA para 160 Apartamentos
En una acción que ayudará a traer nuevos propietarios al complejo de apartamentos Barbara Jean Wright Court, que ha tenido problemas durante mucho tiempo y garantizar la preservación y el… Read more
Eat Up
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou During Chicago Restaurant Week, diners can enjoy special prix fixe menus from restaurants throughout Chicago and nearby suburbs. These multi-course meals are $25 for brunch or… Read more
State Representatives, Senators Urge Lightfoot to Deny General Iron Permit
By: Ashmar Mandou A joint letter with over 20 Illinois state legislators from the Chicagoland area urged Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday to deny RMG subsidiary, General Iron’s, requested… Read more
State Partners with Local Hospitals, Health Centers to Expand Distribution of Vaccine
Building on existing efforts to ensure equitable distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health announced a new partnership with four local federally… Read more
Chicago Park District Receives Grant to Develop Nutrition and Health Hubs in Parks
Chicago Park District, in partnership with the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), has received an $80,000 grant to develop a community nutrition hub to expand access to healthy foods… Read more
¡A Comer!
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Durante la Semana del Restaurant de Chicago, los comensales pueden disfrutar menús especiales de precio fijo de restaurantes de Chicago y suburbios cercanos. Estas comidas de… Read more
Representantes Estatales y Senadores Instan a Lightfoot a Denegar el Permiso a General Iron
Por: Ashmar Mandou Una carta conjunta con más de 20 legisladores del estado de Illinois del área de Chicago instó el miércoles a la alcaldesa de Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, a… Read more
El Estado se Asocia con Hospitales y Centros de Salud Locales para Expandir la Distribución de Vacunas
Trabajando sobre esfuerzos existentes para garantizar la distribución equitativa de la vacuna del COVID-19, el Gobernador JB Pritzker y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois anunciaron una nueva afiliación… Read more
El Distrito de Parques de Chicago Recibe una Subvención para Desarrollar Centros de Nutrición y Salud en los Parques
El Distrito de Parques de Chicago en asociación con National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), recibió un subsidio de $80,000 para desarrollar un centro de nutrición comunitario para ampliar el… Read more
Celebrate International Women’s Day
By: Ashmar Mandou International Women’s Day is a day to spread awareness among the community activists, organizations, and leaders fighting for women’s rights, equality, and a time to celebrate the… Read more
Loretto Hospital to Offer Free Colon Cancer Screenings
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of all cancers that affect both men and women, colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States…. Read more
Rep. Hernandez, Town of Cicero Host COVID-19 Testing Event
State Representative Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernández will host Join Lisa Hernandez for COVID-19 Testing and receive a free lunch this Saturday, March 6th at Cicero Community Park, 3400 S. Laramie. With… Read more
Cicero District 99 Board of Education, Cicero Council Agree on In-Person Learning
On Monday, the Board of Education of Cicero District 99 (Board) and The Cicero Council, West Suburban Teachers Union, Local 571, IFT-AFT (Union) announced it has agreed on an optional… Read more
Celebre el Día Internacional de la Mujer
Por: Ashmar Mandou El Día Internacional de la Mujer es un día para difundir concientización entre los activistas comunitarios, organizaciones y líderes luchando por los derechos y la equidad de… Read more
El Hospital Loretto Ofrece Pruebas Gratis del Cáncer del Colon
De acuerdo a los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de las Enfermedades, de todos los cánceres que afectan tanto a hombres como a mujeres, el cáncer colorectal es… Read more
La Rep. Hernández y el Municipio de Cicero Presentan Evento de Pruebas de COVID-19
La Representante Estatal Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernández será la anfitriona de Join Lisa Hernández para las pruebas COVID-19 recibiendo también un almuerzo gratis este sábado 6 de marzo en Cicero Community… Read more
La Junta de Educación del Distrito 99 de Cicero y el Consejo de Cicero Acuerdan el Aprendizaje en Persona
El lunes, La Junta de Educación del Distrito 99 de Cicero (La Junta) y el Consejo de Cicero, el Sindicato de Maestros West Suburban, Local 571, IFT-AFT (Sindicato) anunciaron estar… Read more
Golden Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching Finalists Announced
Golden Apple, the leading Illinois nonprofit committed to preparing, honoring and supporting educators who advance educational opportunities for students, on Tuesday announced the 2021 finalists for the prestigious Golden Apple Awards… Read more
Illinois Children to Receive Monthly Food Aid
Governor JB Pritzker announced that beginning next month, approximately one million children across Illinois will receive additional federally funded food benefits, valued at up to $110 million per month. Eligible… Read more
Micro Grant Aims to Help Little Village Businesses
By: Ashmar Mandou Businesses continue to experience hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic and while financial initiatives are in place, many entrepreneurs in communities of color are left in the lurch… Read more
Unsung Hero: August “Augie” Sallas
By: Ashmar Mandou Activist Cesar Chavez once said, “we cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community…our ambitions must be broad enough to include… Read more
Anuncian los Finalistas de los Premios Golden Apple por Excelencia en Enseñanza
Golden Apple, la organización no lucrativa líder de Illinois, comprometida a preparar, honrar y apoyar a educadores que mejoran las oportunidades educativas para los estudiantes, anunció el martes los finalistas… Read more
Héroe Desconocido: August “Augie” Sallas
Por Ashmar Mandou El activista César Chávez dijo una vez, “no podemos buscar logros para nosotros y olvidarnos del progreso y prosperidad de nuestra comunidad… nuestra ambición debe ser lo… Read more
Ideas for Outdoor Learning
By: Ashmar Mandou Yes, the frigid temperatures and harrowing snowfall are reasons enough to stay indoors with a cup of hot chocolate in hand, but there are fun ways to… Read more
Safety Committee Addresses Surge in Carjackings
By: Ashmar Mandou As carjackings continue to surge across the city, the Senate Public Safety Committee hosted a hearing on Tuesday to share updates on public safety and the fears… Read more
Around Town
Compiled by Ashmar Mandou Chicago Volunteer Expo Sunday, Feb. 21st Hosted on Zoom Registration: At the ninth annual Chicago Volunteer Expo, you can connect with non-profit organizations from all… Read more
Ideas para el Aprendizaje al Aire Libre
Por Ashmar Mandou Si, las heladas temperaturas y las terribles nevadas son razón suficiente para quedarse en casa con una taza de chocolate caliente en la mano, pero hay formas… Read more
El Comité de Seguridad Atiende el Aumento de Robo de Vehículos
Por: Ashmar Mandou Como el robo de vehículos continúa ocurriendo en la ciudad, el Comité de Seguridad Pública del Senado ofreció una audiencia el martes para compartir actualizaciones sobre la… Read more
Que Pasa en Chicago
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Chicago Volunteer Expo Domingo, 21 de Feb., Presentado en Zoom Inscripción: En la novena exposición anual Chicago Volunteer Expo, usted puede conectarse con organizciones no… Read more
Valentine’s Day in Chicago
By: Ashmar Mandou Treat yourself to some outdoor fun, a romantic dinner, or a lap around the City’s beautiful ice rink to enjoy downtown gems. Although this year is a… Read more
President Dominick Designates Cicero Stadium as Warming Center
President Larry Dominick and the Town of Cicero Board of Trustees have designated the Cicero Stadium, 1909 S. Laramie, at as a temporary Warming Center for families or individuals whose… Read more
Former CTU President Karen Lewis Passes Away
By: Ashmar Mandou Former Chicago Teachers Union President and former chemistry teacher Karen Lewis, 67, passed away on Sunday following her battle with brain cancer, a spokesperson for the family… Read more