Anarchy in Minnesota

By: Daniel Nardini

Anarchy is defined as a lack of an organized government. Instead people are governed by local councils or another form of personal administration. That seems to be what is happening right now in the State of Minnesota. It seems that the Democrats and Republicans just cannot get together to resolve a new fiscal budget. Sadly the Republicans want tax breaks for the upper-middle and upper classes, and the Democratic Governor Mark Dayton wants to tax the upper class. Since none of them could agree on anything the entire state government was shut down for the July Fourth weekend.

Besides this being a rotten deal for the people of the state, it means that social services for the poor and the needy will not get addressed. Police and emergency personnel will still operate, but people who need welfare, help with taxes, and some forms of public transportation will be screwed. The state’s zoos, public parks, state museums and state monuments will remain closed until the powers that be come up with a new state budget.

Closing these places on the July Fourth holiday could not have been a worse timed political fiasco. Not only will these places lose money (millions of dollars that the state desperately needs), but it will mean that state government workers are not getting paid until a new budget is agreed upon. Right now 22,000 state workers are furloughed indefinitely until a new state budget is passed. Of course it also means that the politicians in Minnesota did not do their job and are taking a vacation at the expense of the American taxpayers. It seems that the state politicians do not have a conscience.

It seems to be a trend among many states throughout this country. In Wisconsin and Indiana we have vicious battles whereby riot police had to be called in because the Republicans passed divisive legislation and hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to occupy the state buildings. In Georgia and Alabama the state legislatures passed state immigration bills that are crippling business and agriculture. What I am seeing in all of this is political extremism in its purest and most disgusting form. Our country is being upended by vicious political divisions and pure cynical politics. All of a sudden anarchy isn’t looking so bad anymore.

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