The Canadian Republicans

By: Daniel Nardini

As British Prince William and his new bride Kate visited Canada—their first international vacation spot—they were greeted by 60 pro-independence Quebec protesters. Of course, the British royal couple received a warm welcome from thousands of Canadians. I discovered some time ago that Canada is a curious mix. I could remember how some Canadians bristled at that I brought up the fact that Canada is a constitutional monarchy and part of the British Commonwealth. I could not bring this point up to people from Quebec province since 62 percent of all Quebec residents hate the British monarchy and wish their province to remain a French speaking place.

But there are Canadians who do not like the British monarchy, and wish for Canada to become an independent republic. Almost one-third of all Canadians do not like the monarchy, and want Canada to break all ties with Great Britain—the mother country. Most of those who want no part of Great Britain are the Quebec French speakers. At this point the French speaking Canadians are divided on whether Quebec province should remain a part of Canada or break away and become a separate French speaking country. But they are for the most part united in rejecting the British monarchy.

There are also English speaking Canadians who are not thrilled with the British monarchy as well. They prefer a republican (with a small “R” for republic. It has nothing to do with the U.S. Republican Party) form of government. Some Canadians feel that they could better decide their destiny if they have total control of their own internal affairs. Most Canadians as a whole do not see this, and the British monarchy still remains quite popular for most Canadians. There will not be any time likely that Canada will become a republic anymore than there will be a time when Quebec will become an independent country. Whatever problems and passions are brewing in Canada, that country will most likely remain a stable and united country in the near and far future.

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