Box Tops for Education Calls on Parents for More Involvement

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

De izquierda a derecha: Zack Ruderman, Director del programa Box Tops for Education junto a la Dra. Isabel Gomez-Bassols, la principal sicóloga hispana radial del país, en la cena otorgada a los directores y coordinadores de las escuelas de Chicago en el National Museum of Mexican Arts el 26 de septiembre.

Less than three weeks into the new school season, some 200 area school principals, community leaders, Box Tops for Education® coordinators and members of the media gathered at the National Museum of Mexican Art to discuss ways of involving more Latino parents in their children’s education. The gathering was organized by Box Tops for Education®, one of the leading education loyalty programs in the country.

The evening’s speakers included Mr. Zack Ruderman, director of Box Tops for Education®; Dr. Isabel Gomez-Bassols, the nation’s foremost Hispanic radio psychologist; and Sandy Anderson, principal of Oak Terrace School in Highwood, one of the highest earning Box Tops partner schools in the region.

One principal who testified about the power of Box Tops For Education® was Sandy Anderson, whose Oak Terrace School in Highwood last year earned more than $5,000 in cash through Box Tops. Principal Anderson was honored with a special recognition for her school’s passion and commitment to the cause. For more information, visit

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