Cool Summer Workout Tips

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - HealthSummer can give people a certain zest for fitness, but sometimes temperatures can turn good intentions into a sweltering mess. Incorporating new habits and precautions into your warm weather workouts can keep you safe, motivated, and cool.

1. Fill up on fruit
Water-heavy fruits – like watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, and grapes – are a great way to boost energy and replenish fluids lost after a workout. Containing more than 80 percent water, these fruits are easily digestible in the summer heat and are a tasty way to keep hydrated and satisfied. Eating them frozen also makes a refreshing summer treat.

2. Incorporate the season into your routine
Make summer chores part of your fitness plan for time-saving and warm weather-friendly exercise. Washing the car, gardening, taking the dog for a walk, and mowing the lawn, are all activities on your to-do list that burn calories as a bonus.

3. Pay attention to your heart rate
The hotter it is, the harder your body has to work – so if you normally run at a 9-minute-mile pace, when the temperature hits 90 degrees, you may find yourself having to slow down to a 10-minute-mile. Using a heart-rate monitor can help ensure that you aren’t pushing yourself too hard, which can lead to heat exhaustion and strokes. Deluxe heart monitors keep track of not only your heart, but also your speed, distance, pace, and calories burned. Models with fewer features can cost as little as $50.

4. Take the path less paved
Walking, running, or cycling on dirt or gravel paths can keep the body significantly cooler than paved paths. Asphalt and concrete tend to radiate heat and reflect the sun’s rays, making you feel hotter. Running near bodies of water also has a noticeable cooling effect.

5. Slow it down without sacrifice
To keep safe without giving up calorie burn, perform your regular cardio routine at a slightly slower pace, and then add in 30-second speed bursts every three to five minutes. You’ll maintain the same benefits and burn even more calories without exerting extreme effort the entire workout.

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