Streets and Sanitation Crew Increases Productivity

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - BusinessAs a result of successful Graffiti Removal program reforms and enhanced resources, Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation (DSS) graffiti crews have improved the City’s response to graffiti vandalism, resulting in a 24 percent increase in productivity over last year, and the completion of more than 12,000 additional jobs in 2013.
As of June 14, graffiti crews have completed nearly 64,000 graffiti removal jobs this year—more than twice the number of calls for service received from residents.

In February 2012, DSS implemented grid based reforms within its graffiti program which enabled the City to utilize resources in the most efficient way possible. Under the grid system, DSS graffiti crews now “blitz” four wards per day addressing outstanding calls in targeted geographic areas. Each ward is blitzed approximately once every 14 days. Additional graffiti crews are dispatched to other areas of the city to address emergencies and other priority requests.

Graffiti removal is a free service offered by the City of Chicago. The graffiti program works with aldermen, community groups, block clubs, chambers of commerce and residents to respond to reports of graffiti. To report graffiti vandalism or obtain information about the Graffiti Removal Program, call 3-1-1 or visit

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