Speak Up. You Might Just Save a Life.

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local NewsThree steps to stop texting and driving

Awareness. Know the risks.
Texting drivers are much more likely to be in an accident. Seventy-five percent of teens say texting while driving is common among their friends.

Commitment. Take the pledge.
Make a lifelong commitment never to text and drive. Go to ItCanWait.com to take the pledge.

Influence. Speak up.
Ninety percent say they’d stop if a friend in the car asked them to. Seventy-eight percent of teen drivers say they they’re likely not to text and drive if friends tell them it’s wrong or stupid. Ninety-three percent would stop if a parent in the car asked them to. Forty-four percent say that they would be thankful if a passenger complained about their texting while driving.

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