Illinois Department of Public Health Announces Video Challenge for Non-Profits

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) in collaboration with the State Health Improvement Plan Implementation Coordination Council (SHIP ICC) announced last Thursday a Video Challenge asking for entry submissions that showcase how local non-profit organizations are transforming health in their communities.

The SHIP ICC committee will select up to ten awardees with up to $1500 grants.

“Many groups and organizations around the state are working to transform the health of their community by growing a neighborhood garden for fresh vegetables, prohibiting smoking on playgrounds, offering the use of recreation facilities to the public after hours, or in many other ways,” IDPH Director Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck said.

Individuals can submit video entries, as long as the grant award is received by a local organization. Videos should relate to one or more priorities as outlined in the SHIP guidelines, such as nutrition and food access, exercise, reduction of tobacco usage, violence prevention and other health related subjects.

The video must also address at least one of the video challenge topics:

• What’s Your SHIP Story? Tell a story about how collaboration among organizations resulting in a success around a SHIP priority area.
• We’re a Public Health Stakeholder. Tell a story that shows how your organization is a public health stakeholder, even if public health is not explicitly part of your mission.
• What’s Your SHIP Priority? Tell a story about the potential you see for organizations to work together to improve a SHIP priority area in your community.

To learn more about how to apply for a grant through the Video Challenge, visit and click on the Video Challenge tab. All applications are due by March 17, 2013.

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