Assessor Berrios Sworn Into Second Term

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios embarked on his second term Monday as he was sworn in by Justice Anne Burke at a ceremony held in the county board room. First elected Assessor in 2010, Berrios made it his top priority to ensure that tax bills were sent out on schedule for the first time in 35 years and they have gone out on-time each year throughout his administration. “It is an honor serving the people of Cook County and going to work each day to make our property tax system more equitable and efficient for all taxpayers,” said Berrios.

The accelerated assessment cycles and timely mailing of tax bills under Berrios are estimated to have saved local taxing bodies several million dollars for every month they were taking tax anticipation loans. Seeking to provide additional relief to local taxing districts, Assessor Berrios initiated a new state law which allows the county to reclaim millions of dollars in erroneous exemption savings. The program, one of the first of its kind in the nation, has already resulted in over $5.5 million in revenue being collected and it is being studied as a model for other counties seeking to prevent erroneous exemptions. For additional assessment or exemption information, or to receive more information on the Assessor’s recent initiatives, visit Assessor’s website at or contact the office at 312-443-7550.

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