Noise Ordinance Offered as Referendum on Election Ballot

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Voters in the Town of Cicero will be asked on April 7 election ballots for their views on responding to excessive noise. Cicero has a noise ordinance that imposes penalties on violators that range from $50 to $250. In conjunction with the Noise Ordinance, residents may sign an affidavit swearing that they witnessed the noise violation. The advisory referendum on April asks voters specifically:

“Shall the Town of Cicero increase penalties for violations of the Town of Cicero’s noise ordinance and allow resident-initiated noise ordinance violation tickets to be issued to offenders.”

Resident-initiated noise ordinance violation tickets would be issued by police but would be based on the affidavits signed by a resident in the place of a sworn statement from the police officer responding to the noise complaint. Police officials said that even though they respond timely to noise complaints, many times individuals responsible for the noise violations reduce the volume before police arrive. A police officer is then unable to swear out a statement that he (or she) witnessed the violation and must rely on the statement of the resident making the complaint.

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