Lilly Honoring ‘Good Neighbor’ Businesses

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

State Representative Camille Lilly, D-Chicago, is seeking community input to honor local businesses that strive to aid their communities with ‘Good Neighbor’ business awards. “Our community is a diverse collection of individuals offering unique strengths and skill sets,” Lilly said. “This award gives me the honor to congratulate the local entrepreneurs who help make our area a great place to live, work and raise a family.”

Lilly is encouraging constituents to write a brief nomination, explaining how a particular business adds to the character of a community and acts in a manner that benefits local residents. Nominations must also include the business name and address, and the name, address and phone number of the person submitting the nomination. With this quarterly award, Lilly is hoping to recognize businesses that go above and beyond to serve their customers and the community as a whole. Nominations are due by Tuesday, Sep. 1 and winners will be acknowledged with a resolution introduced in the House of Representatives by Lilly. To nominate a local business, constituents can email to or call (773) 473-7300.

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