Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and CTA President Dorval Carter Jr. unveiled plans to improve the speed and performance of buses on two of the CTA’s busiest routes: Ashland and Western Avenues. Later this fall, the CTA will begin a three-phase effort designed to provide faster, more reliable commutes for bus riders on the #9 Ashland and #49 Western bus routes, including:

  • Reintroducing rush hour express service on both routes
  • Optimizing the spacing of bus stops for the local routes based on ridership.
  • Expanding the installation of special transit signals to Ashland and Western that make it easier for buses to proceed through major intersections

Carter said that the express bus service, with limited stops roughly every half-mile, will save up to 22 minutes on trips along each route. Optimizing the spacing between bus stops on the local routes could save up to 12 minutes for customers on local buses while still providing customers with convenient access.

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

The express buses, which will run during the morning and afternoon rush periods, will make stops every half-mile and at rail transfer points and complement local bus service. Optimizing stop spacing on local routes by removing some of the least-used stops would allow buses to travel faster by reducing the time it takes buses to frequently merge in and out of traffic. CTA will undertake a community process to solicit feedback on proposed changes, which will begin later this year.

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