Chicago Organizations Unite to Show Youth What They Can Do

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Nearly 1,200 youth and family members from 71 different zip codes registered for a free and unique opportunity held last Saturday at Jones College Prep to sample summer programs offered by 30 Chicago City of Learning (CCOL) partner organizations. As youth completed hands-on activities, they earned digital badges reflective of their interest and participation, which unlocked chances to win prizes. The multi-part event was dubbed #UpwithChi Spring it Out by the CCCOL Youth Council, who also curated the Teen Lounge, where 13-19 year olds tried their hands at fashion and jewelry design, app-building, soldering and more. Participating organizations not aforementioned include: Adler Planetarium; Chicago Architecture Foundation; CodeCreate Technology Education; IMPACT Family Center; LevelUP; Microsoft; Mikva Challenge; National Veterans Art Museum; Play-Well TEKnologies; Project Exploration; Project Tech Teens; (PRO)jectUS; Scenarios USA; SkyART; Stamps for Kids; The Yellow Canoe; True Star Foundation; and YOUmedia at Chicago Public Library. For more information, visit

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