Registration is still open for Spring 2017 at St. Augustine College

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Registration is still open for Spring 2017 at St. Augustine College. Classes begin January 23, 2017 and are held for 16 weeks. New and Returning students should visit any of the college’s four locations in Chicago or their location in Aurora to register. St. Augustine College is an accredited intuition with three Bachelor Degree programs and an array of Associate degrees. We also offer GED courses and a transitional program where Spanish speakers can take college credit classes in Spanish while perfecting their English skills. St. Augustine College’s Academic Advisors are trained to help you choose the courses and schedule you need to fulfill your academic needs. To begin the registration process call 773.878.8756 or visit for more information.

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