On Tuesday, ahead of the state’s deadline, students and staff from the Noble Network of Charter Schools delivered 1,421 students’ new voter registration forms to the Cook County Board of Elections. “Our goal at Noble is to prepare students with the scholarship, discipline, and honor to live exemplary lives,” said Emily Mason, principal of Muchin College Prep in the Loop. “Part of living an exemplary life is civic engagement and the opportunity to improve one’s community through the democratic process.” Noble schools are not able to engage in any sort of political action or support any political candidates, and no portion of the voter registration process implied any sort of endorsement for or against any candidates or potential candidates. Noble schools simply made voter registration forms available and answered students’ questions through the registration process. “Our Noble students spend a significant amount of time attending class, studying, commuting, working, participating in extracurricular activities, and being active members of their families and communities. We felt it was important to simplify the voter registration experience by making the process convenient and removing any potential bureaucratic barriers,” said Ellen Moiani, a community organizer for Noble. “Today’s registration results are a tremendous start towards the goal of having all our eligible students become voters.” Among the 1,421 registration forms from eligible students, some Noble campuses had extremely high registration rates: Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy had 80 percent of eligible students register, Muchin College Prep saw 82 percent register, and Noble Street College Prep had over 88 percent register to vote in 2018.
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