Next Phase for Chinatown-to-Downtown Roadway

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Community leaders joined to break ground on the next phase of the Wells-Wentworth Connector – a multi-phase project to create a direct link between Chicago’s renowned Chinatown neighborhood and the south loop. Phase II will realign Wentworth Avenue between Archer Avenue and Cermak Road to improve safety for both pedestrians and motorists, while creating better pedestrian connectivity between New Chinatown Square and the traditional Chinatown south of Cermak Road. As part of the Phase II project, a new plaza will also be built on the east side of Wentworth at 19th St., to highlight the entrances to both parts of Ping Tom Memorial Park. “We are very excited to get this phase of the Wells-Wentworth project started,” said Alderman Daniel Solis (25th Ward). “This project will help bring new visitors to Chinatown and make the neighborhood more pedestrian and bike friendly.” The project will enhance pedestrian safety and traffic flow with new traffic signals at Cermak, and at the new section of Wentworth. Existing traffic signals will be updated with new Accessible Pedestrian Signals and a mid-block pedestrian refuge island will also be installed on Archer at Chinatown Square. The Wells-Wentworth project has been coordinated by the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Department of Planning and Development (DPD). CDOT is also coordinating relocation of bus stops with the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) along Wentworth and Archer, including installation of new concrete bus pads. “CDOT is pleased to launch this project that will greatly improve safety and accessibility to and from Chinatown,” said CDOT Commissioner Rebekah Scheinfeld. “It demonstrates the City’s strong commitment to fostering growth in the area and securing improved pedestrian, roadway, transit and bicycle access to and from the neighborhood’s thriving commercial center.”

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