ICIRR Vows to Fight Public Charge Proposal

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights is condemning the proposal by the US Department of Homeland Security to radically alter the rules regarding “public charge.” The proposal, released this past weekend, would bar many immigrants from entering the US or getting green cards if they use certain public benefits or based on their age, income, education, and other factors. “This proposal is yet another attack on working families who want to reunite with relatives and pursue better economic opportunities,” said Lawrence Benito, ICIRR’s chief executive officer. “It sends a dangerous signal that people are welcome here only if they are wealthy. But if you are older, or living with a disability or a chronic preexisting medical condition, or did not have good educational or work opportunities in your home country, you can forget about coming to the US.”

“My grandmother was 63 when she immigrated to the US,” said Fred Tsao, ICIRR’s senior policy counsel. “She spoke no English, had poor eyesight, and had no assets or work history. When she came over she was able to care for my brother and me and enable both of my parents to work full-time to better support the whole family. But if this public charge rule had been in place, it would have barred my grandmother—as it will so many other immigrants who want to rejoin their close relatives and make better lives for themselves and their families.” The proposed rule follows a litany of attacks on immigrants from the current federal administration. The proposed rule is expected to formally be posted in the Federal Register in the next several days. The posting will begin a 60-day period when DHS will accept public comments. The rule will not take effect until at least 60 days after DHS publishes a final version after reviewing the comments. Until that happens, the rule is not in effect, and no laws will have changed.

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