Reasons it’s so Hard to Lose Weight (and What You Can Do About it)

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of obesity in the country among adults is around 40 percent. They estimate that over 93 million adults are considered obese. It’s estimated that around 80 percent of the people try to lose weight on their own, but most fail. We all know someone who has tried to lose weight, so it’s not for a lack of trying that some people can’t shed the pounds. There are some underlying conditions that are often overlooked that can keep people from reaching their healthy goal weight. “It’s often not all your fault if you can’t lose weight,” explains Dr. Michael Russo, a board certified bariatric surgeon at Smart Dimensions Weight Loss, located in the Los Angeles area. “Weight loss is a complicated procedure. There’s a lot that goes into it, and they are not alone. Millions of people try to lose weight only to find that the scale doesn’t budge or it creeps up in the opposite direction.” There are some overlooked reasons they find that it’s difficult for people to lose weight, including:

Hormones. The hormonal piece to the puzzle can play a big role in weight gain and in difficulty losing it. Fluctuations in hormones can help people pack on the pounds even though they haven’t changed anything in their lifestyle. Increasing physical activity is one way to try and combat the hormonal hold on the weight.

Metabolic syndrome. This health condition is associated with a larger waist, as well as a variety of health problems. In fact, a large waist size is one of the signs and symptoms that a person may have metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome can affect the hormone secretions, which can lead to weight gain. Some lifestyle changes and/or medications may be able to help address this condition.

Medications. There are numerous medications that can lead to weight gain. These include ones taken for diabetes, epilepsy, antidepressants, blood pressure reducing, and antipsychotic drugs. Stopping the prescription so that it is easier to lose weight may not be possible.

For more information about Smart Dimensions Weight Loss, visit their website at:

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