New Review of Scientific Studies Confirms Food Cravings can be Reduced

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Food craving, the intense desire to eat certain foods, can sabotage efforts to maintain healthy eating habits and body weight, no matter the time of year. However, an examination of 28 current peer-reviewed scientific studies largely substantiates findings that changes in diet, prescription medications, physical activity and bariatric surgery reduce craving, said Candice Myers, PhD, assistant professor — research at LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center. For example, one proven way to reduce the longing for a certain food is to eat it less frequently. In other words, it’s better to remove something from your diet than to try to eat smaller helpings of it. Other takeaways from their review included that: Losing weight reduces food craving. Beware exercise can increase cravings. Cravings account for as much as 11 percent of eating behavior and weight gain, more than genetics currently explains. Many obesity drugs — phentermine, lorcaserin, semaglitude and liraglitude among others — reduce craving. Different demographic and socioeconomic groups may have different responses to food cravings. But little is known about these potential differences, and more investigation is needed.

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