Ortiz: Summer Jobs for Chicago Youth

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

State Rep. Aaron Ortiz D-Chicago, reminds teens from the 1st district, the importance of applying for a summer job at Once Summer Chicago. “As a former educator and college counselor at CPS, I know the life-lasting impact that a summer job can have on young adults,” said Ortiz. “The city of Chicago is offering various jobs with non-profits and corporate employers that will help empower young black and brown teens in the 1st district.” One Summer Chicago is a career development program that provides summer employment and internships to Chicago residents between the ages of 16 and 24. Interested residents should visit www.onesummerchicago.org/SummerJobs/ to apply. The application deadline is May 20, 2019. Ortiz is offering summer volunteer positions at his full-time constituent office. Residents can reach the office for more information at district@repaaronortiz.com or call 773-236-0117.

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