CDPH Release Test Results Collected at Former Crawford Generating Station

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot joined Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health, Allison Arwady, M.D., in releasing validated test results from samples taken to monitor environmental impact from the smokestack implosion at the former Crawford Generating Station on April 11, 2020. Testing was conducted by two governmental agencies – the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), and CDPH’s data has been validated by a non-governmental agency.

Air quality tests conducted by CDPH and the US EPA, show no particulate levels considered to be unsafe for human health, per US EPA standards. Specifically, the US EPA measured particulate matter (PM) 2.5 and PM 10, and found no sustained readings were above the national air quality ambient standard threshold. Soil samples were collected from around the site of the former smokestack, and composition testing was conducted by CDPH that were also analyzed and validated by an outside party. Results revealed metals in the form of arsenic, barium, lead and mercury, consistent with expectations of the site, as well as with background levels found in soil throughout the city.

CDPH will continue to actively monitor the site and take samples, while also dispatching an environmental consultant who will thoroughly inspect the site for any additional environmental issues. The developer and its subcontractors have been issued 16 citations that resulted in fines totaling $68,000 for the incident, and following robust conversations and collaboration with City leadership announced additional efforts to assist and support residents in the surrounding area. Mayor Lightfoot has also implemented a six-month moratorium on implosion demolitions citywide, pending the creation of a specific implosion permitting process with updated guidelines. For more information, and to view the testing results, please visit

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