Why Complete the Census? Because It Could Change Your Life.

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

For some, filling out the United States Census may seem like an optional exercise. After all, there are millions of people in the country, the thinking might go. What’s the difference if they’re missing just one?

Here’s why every single Census response is crucial: It establishes how much money a community gets for essential infrastructure. An accurate count from the 2020 Census will determine the distribution of over $1 trillion in federal funding to support state and local community services such as education, health care, and housing.

To put it in perspective, during the pandemic, have you or someone you know been to a food dispensary to collect food for yourself or your family? That food is possible thanks to the funds we receive from the Census. We need everyone’s help to be ensure these funds during times of crisis. In other words, if you want to help your community, fill out the Census.

Let’s give a little background on what exactly the Census is: officially speaking, it’s a broad exercise conducted by the United States government every ten years to determine an accurate count of the population. The Census is arguably the most important planning tool available for federal, state, and local governments, as it serves as the foundation of understanding the population and its current and future needs. The Census also establishes the degree of representation a community has in Congress. Therefore, every community — regardless of race, ethnicity, or socio-economic position — stands to benefit from the information generated by the 2020 Census.

It is important to remember that the federal government allocates resources based on population data and the projected growth of the population for the next 10 years. Because of this, having the most complete and accurate count of the population in all communities is critically important in determining not only their current needs, but also their future needs over the next decade.

The Census also serves as a powerful tool to maintain and improve our democratic system of government. The Census essentially provides a snapshot of America and helps determine the balance of power in the United States Congress. Therefore, completing the Census, and ensuring everyone is counted, is the best way to ensure there is accurate representation from our communities. The Census represents the voice of the people and it has a direct impact on all of our communities. The U.S. population is highly dynamic and mobile, and changes could be significant from one decade to another. The Census provides the ability to have a comprehensive, accurate, and current accounting of our communities.

It only takes 10 minutes to complete, so don’t wait any longer. Visit my2020census.gov, call 844-330-2020 (English) or 844-468-2020 (Spanish) to complete the Census. #2020Census, #MakeILCount, #HazQueILCuente.

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

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