Mayor Lightfoot Names Nicole Lee New 11th Ward Alderman

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced that Nicole Lee, a lifelong Chicagoan raised in Chinatown, will be the new Alderman representing Chicago’s 11th ward and the first Asian American woman to serve on the Chicago City Council.  The selection of Lee came after a thorough process in which applicants were reviewed by a four-member selection committee made up of dedicated public servants and 11th ward residents. The committee then recommended candidates to the Mayor.  Lee will appear in front of the City Council Committee on Committees and Rules prior to a confirmation vote by the full City Council at a special meeting on March 28th. “The 11th Ward is a diverse community of hard-working people who embody the grit, love, and neighborhood pride that make Chicago a great city,” said Lee. “It’s a tremendous honor to receive this appointment to serve my fellow residents of the 11th Ward.”

Lee currently serves as the Director of Social Impact Optimization and Global Community Engagement at United Airlines. In her role, Lee leads the team that is accountable for the company’s global portfolio of nonprofit partnerships and delivering on United’s social impact strategy including humanitarian and disaster response. Lee is currently a member of the UIC Asian American Advisory Council. In the past, Lee served as the Chair of the Haines Elementary School Council, President of the Chicago Chapter of the Organization of Chinese Americans, and in a variety of leadership positions at other organizations.  She is a graduate of Indiana University and has a master’s degree in public policy from the University of Chicago.  “It is exciting and historic that the Mayor has appointed the first Alderman from the Chinese American community,” said State Representative Theresa Mah, 2nd District. “I know Nicole and I am confident that she has the right skill set to represent all 11th Ward residents well in City Council. I look forward to working with her to serve our mutual constituents.”

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