Breast Cancer Prevention

By: Ashmar Mandou

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - HealthOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and if you’re concerned about developing breast cancer, you might be wondering about preventive steps you can take. Although some risk factors, including family history cannot be changed, there are a few lifestyle changes that can help to lower your risk.

Maintain a healthy weight. If your weight is healthy, work to maintain that weight. If you need to lose weight, ask your doctor about healthy strategies to accomplish this. Reduce the number of calories you eat each day and slowly increase the amount of exercise.

Be physically active. Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight, which helps prevent breast cancer. Most healthy adults should aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly, plus strength training at least twice a week.

Breast-feed. Breast-feeding might play a role in breast cancer prevention. The longer you breast-feed, the greater the protective effect.

Limit alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk of developing breast cancer. The general recommendation –based on research on the effect of alcohol on breast cancer risk –is to limit yourself to no more than one drink a day, as even small amounts increase risk.

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