Gov. Pritzker Signs Bill Removing Barriers to Access for Legal Gender Change Process

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Governor JB Pritzker signed HB0009 into law, authorizing an easier process for individuals seeking to change the gender listed on their birth certificate. Previously, amending a birth certificate’s gender marker required certification from a health care professional that the individual had undergone gender reassignment surgery or other clinical treatment. The updated law allows changes to the birth certificate providing the petitioner signs a statement affirming their gender identity or intersex condition, opening an easier path to legal recognition for transgender Illinoisans. Previously, transgender Illinoisans were required to receive documentation from a licensed physician to begin the gender change process. However, many trans individuals do not opt for surgery to address gender dysphoria for personal or financial reasons but would still benefit from legally changing their gender as they transition socially or with the aid of hormone therapy. This bill makes gender-affirming documentation more accessible and recognizes the distinction between biological sex and gender for many transgender individuals. The bill also provides fee waivers (between $10-$25) for the gender change process for those on release from parole, mandatory supervised release, or final discharge, or who have been pardoned by the Department of Corrections or Department of Juvenile Justice.

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