Fur real…Treats, Toys, and Papers are Part of Your Purrrrrfect Kit for Pet Preparedness Month

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

June is Pet Preparedness Month and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security reminds you that a backpack with a few pet preparedness items could make all the difference with safety and comfort in a disaster for your favorite family pets. “During Pet Preparedness Month, I challenge families to gather pet preparedness items,” said Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS) Director Alicia Tate-Nadeau. “Preparing now will greatly benefit your pets especially during a flood, tornado, or other severe weather.” During an emergency, a well-organized family evacuation plan with your family pet is important to ensure safety for everyone. Do not leave your pets behind. If you are not home, you should have a plan in place for a neighbor, relative, or a trusted friend to care for your pets with your preparedness kits until you can reunite at a safe location. Some items for your pet preparedness kit include:

• Non-perishable food and favorite pet treats

• Water and water bowls

• Waste bags, cat litter, and pan

• Blanket/bedding and favorite pet toys

• Leashes, harnesses, or carriers

• Pet medications and a first-aid kit

• Copies of medical records including vaccination records and pet identification

More tips on pet preparedness information can be found here: https://www2.illinois.gov/ready/plan/Pages/Animals.aspx

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