Sheriff Dart, Illinois Secretary of State Giannoulias Partner to Provide State ID Cards to Individuals Leaving Cook County Jail

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart and Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias announced a partnership to provide State Identification Cards for individuals leaving Cook County Jail. The partnership is the first of its kind for a county jail. Government issued IDs are critical for enrolling in educational programs, onboarding for jobs as well as obtaining housing and government benefits. Individuals in custody may have lost their ID cards or they may have expired while in custody, and they may face challenges in attempting to renew them after returning to the community. The program is initially working with individuals who either have previously applied for a State ID card or driver’s license, or have access to documents, such as birth certificates and social security cards, to apply for the first time. The program will gradually expand to provide IDs to everyone in Cook County Jail custody. Sheriff’s Office staff will work with the interested participants to complete the application forms and take photographs. If necessary, Sheriff’s Office staff can also help first-time applicants with accessing vital documents they already have such as birth certificates or social security cards. The collected information will be sent electronically via a secure transfer to the Secretary of State’s Office. After the Secretary of State’s Office staff determines applicants have met the requirements for an ID card, they will be mailed to their residences.

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