Americans Not Getting Enough Sleep

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

New Gallup polling data suggests that Americans are in need of more sleep. The new data found that more than half of individuals surveyed or 57 percent said they would feel better if they got more sleep. The last time Gallup conducted a similar poll was 2013, where the results were almost flipped with 56 percent feeling that they got enough sleep at that time. All told, approximately 20 percent of respondents shared that they’re getting less than five hours of sleep per night, with 53 percent placing their daily sleep schedule in the 6-7 hour range. Additionally, only 26 percent of people said that they got the suggested 8 hours a night. Gallup’s analysis found a correlation between stress levels and less sleep. The study authors reported that stress levels among Americans have been increasing steadily in recent decades. Stress levels have risen since 2003 when 33 percent of respondents saying they commonly experience stress in their daily lives to 49 percent in 2023. Gallup found that as people’s stress levels have increased their sleep has suffered. They report that 63 percent of people who say they need more sleep also say they are frequently experiencing stress. The report also found key differences for men and women getting enough sleep. While nearly half of men or 48 percent say they feel they get enough sleep, for women that number was less, with just 36 percent reporting they feel well rested. Additionally, for women between the ages 18 and 49, just 27 percent felt they were getting enough sleep.

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