Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas is sending more than $22 million in automatic refunds to more than 10,000 property owners who overpaid their property taxes last year. Most automatic refund recipients will not have to file applications, fill out forms or deal with any paperwork. Some will have refunds directly deposited into bank accounts, while others will be mailed checks. The $22 million in refunds will be distributed to owners of 10,099 properties. Of those, 5,813 will have funds directly deposited and 4,286 will receive checks in the mail by Aug. 9. Visit to see if you have an automatic refund coming. Select the purple box labeled “Your Property Tax Overview” and enter your address or 14-digit Property Index Number (PIN). Most of the refunds will go to homeowners receiving property tax exemptions, which are applied to the Second Installment tax bill and reduce the total taxes due. Exemptions include Homeowner, Senior Citizen, Senior Freeze and Disabled Persons. Second Installment 2023 bills are due on Aug. 1. Since launching the automatic refund program in 2018, Pappas has refunded about $143.2 million to more than 165,114 property owners without the need for applications. Property taxes are due in two annual installments. First Installment bills are an estimate that is 55 percent 3of a property owner’s total bill for the previous year. First Installment 2023 bills were due March 1st.
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