Lynch Syndrome – The Silent Killer Can be Controlled

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - HealthLynch syndrome is a silent killer. The 500,000 to 900,000 undiagnosed US victims of this inherited genetic mutation have no idea that they carry an 85 percent risk of developing colon cancer and (for women) a 65 percent risk of endometrial cancer, plus lower risks for a number of other cancers. The only way to defang this beast is diagnosis. The five percent of Lynch syndrome patients who have been fortunate enough to already be diagnosed are able to use the power of that knowledge to schedule regular screenings that will allow for detection and treatment of the most likely cancers, while still at early stages. Governor Pat Quinn was the first of several governors to issue proclamations declaring March 22nd as Lynch Syndrome Hereditary Cancer Awareness Day, to bring attention to this condition, and encourage everyone to be proactive in learning about their family medical histories. To learn more about Lynch syndrome, visit

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