Vacation on the Cheap

By: Daniel Nardini

Our good friends and neighbors John and Laura have gone to northern Wisconsin for a vacation. They will stay in a log cabin a friend of theirs owns up there, and fish and hike and just enjoy the great outdoors for a week. John got a full week off from where he works, and they went with some of their family. This is the first full vacation John has had in three years. There is no question he and the rest of the family needed one, and so they decided to go to northern Wisconsin. They packed the fishing gear they needed, and took along their family boat.

They do not intend to spend too much money while up there. John and Laura have to fix their roof which is in bad shape. That alone will cost them $7,000, and they have to take that money out of their 401K account. Since they only have so much money to bring along, and they cannot afford to go very far and spend what they did when they went to Florida for example, they will spend their time and what little money they have in northern Wisconsin. John, having been raised in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Kentucky, enjoys fishing and walking through wilderness. For him doing the things with his wife and two sons that he loves to do is better than going to Disneyland in Florida.

The Great Recession has made many employers consider giving their employees more vacation time. It is estimated that 62 percent of all employees in America are definitely taking their vacation time. With how tough the economy is, and with many employees being worked harder than ever, vacation has become far more meaningful. While American vacation time is very short by European standards—only two weeks normally without pay—it is better than most Asian countries and way better than many Third World countries. Vacation time, many Americans are beginning to discover, is a necessity to help them return to their jobs more relaxed and better able to cope with the workload they will do. For John and Laura, northern Wisconsin is their world of escape from the hustle and bustle. Have a wonderful time in northern Wisconsin dear friends!

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