Back-to-School with Better Bodies, Better Health

By: Ashmar Mandou

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - HealthWith school in session, Athletico physical therapist Art Sifuentes offered up a couple of tips as to how kids can have a healthier school season. “Sometimes kids go over bored with how much items they can place in their backpacks,” said Sifuentes. “This, along with daily activities, can cause serious injury.” Sifuentes shared some suggestions parents and children can follow to ensure a safer and healthier school year.


    • Wearing both straps. Using one strap causes one side of the body to bear the weight of the backpack, causing strain on the back.
    • Carrying only what they need. Students should only carry up to 15 percent of their body weight.
    • Loading it correctly. Put the heaviest items closest to the back and arrange them so they won’t slide.


    • There is no such thing as a minor head injury. No matter the severity of the injury, all should be checked by a medical professional. Athletico’s athletic trainers are specialists when it comes to concussions, trained on the latest concussion evaluation tests and return-to-play guidelines.
    • Timing is everything. Symptoms may not surface until 48 to 72 hours after an injury. Any athlete who sustains a head injury should not return to play until cleared by a licensed healthcare provider.


    • Stretching – Stretching is critical for safe training in sports, but it also helps maintain general flexibility for daily activities. Students should warm up before activity and stretch after the big game or study session. Stretches should be in a pain-free range and slow and controlled.

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