Technology Service Internship Boot Camp

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Over 100 students from Morton East, West, and the Morton Freshman Center participated in our week long Technology Service Internship (TSI) boot camp. Students enrolled in the TSI course are the first level of technology support for students and teachers district wide. TSI students learn how to repair computers, earn industry certifications as well as learn basic customer service skills in this course. Last year all freshmen received a Dell laptop device that they will carry with them for the rest of their high school career. Device distribution for this year’s incoming freshmen will occur the week. Interactive white boards and projectors were also installed in every classroom district wide. This will be Morton East’s first year with a TSI course to support all incoming sophomores. With the launch of the 1:1 program has been able to phase out several textbooks in classes and introduce new online textbooks and software classroom support.

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