Animals at Brookfield Zoo Continue to Benefit from ComEd Browse Program

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

After more than 150 truck deliveries consisting of over 2,100 cubic yards, the collaborative browse program between the Chicago Zoological Society (CZS), which manages Brookfield Zoo, and ComEd, one of the zoo’s sponsors, is still going strong. The browse program, which began six years ago, has been advantageous for both organizations. Rather than mulching the browse—leaves, twigs, and branches from trees—the electric company delivers it to the zoo for the animals. In turn, the animals greatly benefit from the nutritional value and enrichment the browse provides. Since 2011, from late spring to mid-fall, ComEd’s designated zoo crew makes two deliveries each week of 20 to 25 cubic yards of browse per truckload. As a part of its ongoing reliability program, ComEd trims trees along its high-voltage distribution circuits on a four-year cycle. The company trims approximately 9,000 miles of tree line each year. Additionally, ComEd performs targeted tree trimming between regularly scheduled maintenance to enhance reliability on sections that have higher incidences of outages caused by trees.

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