City Colleges Announces Record Number

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

City Colleges of Chicago Chancellor Juan Salgado on Wednesday announced that City Colleges graduates are transferring to four-year colleges and universities in record numbers.  The number of graduates transferring annually increased by more than 120 percent since 2011, and nearly half of the 2015 graduating class continued on to pursue a bachelor’s degree within two years of graduation. Developing stronger transfer relationships with four-year institutions has been a strategic priority for City Colleges. At all seven campuses, significant investments have been directed to ensure that all degrees and certificates are made relevant to the demands of the workplace and four-year institutions. “Starting at City Colleges and transferring on to a four year college or university is a smart choice for many students seeking to begin college with small classes, a quality, affordable education, and the support to find their path in life,” said City Colleges Chancellor Juan Salgado.  “Our four-year college and university partners recognize the value of a City Colleges degree and have worked with us to make it easier and more affordable for our students to move on to earn their bachelor’s degree,” said Chancellor Juan Salgado. City Colleges has guaranteed admissions agreements with the following institutions: the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Arizona State University, DePaul University, Dominican University, East West University, Fisk University, National Louis University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Roosevelt University, and University of Illinois at Chicago.  For more information on City Colleges, or for registration information, call (773) COLLEGE or visit  To learn more about the transfer resources at City Colleges of Chicago, go to

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