Back to School Tips for Your Senior Year of High School

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Summer is ending. School is rolling back around. For the incoming students entering their Senior Year there will lots of tribulations and triumphs. To navigate through the potential stress of high school graduation here are a few education steps that will help you out.

Get Planning
We know after a long vacation going back to school isn’t the easiest. You have classes to deal with, friends to socialize with and activities to participate in. The last thing you want to do is to start devoting yourself to work and planning out your college applications. Set yourself deadlines right away. They don’t even have to be keyed to the actual application deadlines -they’re just deadlines for you to use for yourself. Making a deadline might be stressful now, but when you meet that deadline, the glorious stress relief is well worth it.

Don’t Neglect Your Schoolwork
It can be really tempting to let some things fall by the wayside, particularly if you don’t feel they’re important. Prioritization is important, but it’s also pretty important that you don’t just neglect your schoolwork. Not only do colleges and universities still look at your grades and work throughout your senior year, but it’s important for you, too.

Seek Help
Seek help from anywhere you can get it. It’s just a plain good idea to talk out your plans and the problems in your way with your parents, your guidance counselor, your teachers, and anybody else who might be able or willing to provide you with good and useful advice.

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