O’Hare International Airport Seeking Volunteers Ahead of Busy Holiday Season

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

In anticipation of the busy holiday travel season, O’Hare International Airport and its social services partner Travelers Aid are seeking more volunteers to assist customers at the nation’s second busiest airport, the Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) announced this week. More than 100 dedicated men and women volunteer at O’Hare International Airport through the Travelers Aid program, staffing information desks and providing resources and social referrals to the tens of millions of passengers who travel through the airport’s terminals each year.  Volunteers take part in a comprehensive training program to understand airport operations and the layout of the terminals. Volunteers usually perform one five-hour shift per week, and they are placed at the various information desks located throughout all four of O’Hare’s terminals. Chicagoland residents interested in becoming a Travelers Aid volunteer at O’Hare should visit the organization’s website and email travelersaid@heartlandalliance.org.

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