The Cruel Dumping of Migrants

By Daniel Nardini

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - CommentaryIt seems that not a week goes by without some poor group of people from somewhere from South America, Central America or the Caribbean find themselves in some part of Illinois without money, food, blankets (especially in the winter months), or any information about what to do or where to go. They are being dumped at gas stations, local train depots, and even at the O’Hare International Airport by Texas Governor Greg Abbott. These people had already trekked thousands of miles mostly on foot and have been offered NOTHING by the governor of Texas who instead has been throwing these poor hapless people at other (mostly Democrat-run) states in an effort to claim that “this is not Texas’ problem.”

The peoples coming to the United States is yes an American problem. However, throwing them out of Texas without any provisions and without any coordination with either the federal government or the other state governments is an act of cruelty that should not be tolerated. Immigration is the sole domain of the federal government, and NOT that of any state government no matter how much of a problem it is for that state. It seems that Abbott is running Texas as his own fiefdom, and it seems almost as if Texas is not part of the United States. The Texas governor should be coordinating sending these people to any other state with the cooperation of other states and with coordination with the federal government. Instead, we Illinois residents are finding these poor migrants on our doorstep without the basic provisions for their journey.

Once dumped unannounced somewhere in Illinois, they are told to “go to Chicago.” But these poor people have no idea where Chicago is, more often than not cannot speak English, and have no money or provisions to go anywhere. They are being left with no help, and at the mercy of the elements of a cold Illinois winter. Local Illinois emergency services and law enforcement are doing what they can to help these poor people. Metra is talking of banning these people from being taken on trains because Metra does not have the capacity to help these people. What Illinois should be doing is arresting those who bring in these migrants by bus or plane or whatever, and have their vehicles impounded by either Illinois law enforcement or by the federal government.

We cannot have any one state acting on its own to throw poor hapless people fleeing for their lives from their countries of origin because they are not politically expedient for their states. Dumping of people who fled from their countries is cruel and inhumane and does not deal with the problem of the people landing at the U.S.-Mexico border. It does not matter how popular this move is or how popular this is among the people of Texas. This is coming at the expense of the migrants, the federal government and the state of Illinois as well as other states. It has to make me question the Republican Party of Texas what kind of logic they are using if they think the dumping of human beings is an acceptable form of solving their problems? One thing is for sure, come 2024 I will not be voting Republican.

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