New Year, New Laws: Giannoulias Initiated Laws Take Effect

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Several new laws initiated by Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias took effect on Monday. The initiatives were passed in 2023 by the Illinois General Assembly before being signed into law. In an effort to combat distracted driving, House Bill 2431 makes it illegal to Zoom, watch or stream videos, or access social media sites while driving. This legislation will ensure drivers keep their eyes and attention on the road, making Illinois roadways safer for all Illinois motorists. It is now easier for young Illinoisans to guarantee that they are eligible to vote when they turn 18. Under Senate Bill 2123, teens obtaining their driver’s license or state ID card may register to vote at an Illinois Driver and Motor Vehicle (DMV) facility. This legislation increases voter participation and access, ensuring that young people have a voice on the issues that have a direct and tangible impact on their lives, especially student loan debt, the economy and education. Individuals seeking abortion care and undocumented immigrants will feel more at-ease while traveling on Illinois roads knowing that the use of automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) is now regulated in the state. House Bill 3326 prohibits the use of data collected with ALPRs to track innocent people or criminalize lawful behavior. While ALPRs can be a valuable tool for law enforcement, this regulation will prevent abuse, harassment and unlawful surveillance.

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