
Monthly Archives: May 2012

El Sindicato de Maestros Planea Manifestación Contra el Contrato de la Junta

El Sindicato de Maestros Planea Manifestación Contra el Contrato de la Junta

De acuerdo a una encuesta hecha en las escuelas por miembros del Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago (CTU), más del 90 por ciento de maestros, paraprofesionales, entrenadores y personal clínico… Read more »

Mother, Daughter Celebrate Mother’s Day with Graduation

Mother, Daughter Celebrate Mother’s Day with Graduation

When Lupe Cotto was laid off at age 50 and decided to go back to college to retrain, she never imagined she would have a Mother’s Day like this one…. Read more »

Emanuel y Gutiérrez Presentan Taller de Ciudadanía

Emanuel y Gutiérrez Presentan Taller de Ciudadanía

El Congresista Luis Gutiérrez y el Alcalde Rahm Emanuel presentaron un taller de ciudadanía en la Secundaria Benito Juárez, el sábado por la mañana. En el taller, los residentes que… Read more »

CTU Plan Major Rally Against Board Contract

CTU Plan Major Rally Against Board Contract

According to a school-by-school poll of members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), over 90 percent of teachers, paraprofessionals, instructional coaches and school clinicians say they believe the Board of… Read more »

Madre e Hija Celebran el Día de la Madre con una Graduación

Madre e Hija Celebran el Día de la Madre con una Graduación

Cuando Lupe Cotto perdió el trabajo a la edad de 50 años y decidió regresar al colegio para capacitarse, nunca imaginó que tendría un Día de la Madre como este…. Read more »

Latino Art Beat Calls on Artists

Latino Art Beat Calls on Artists

Latino Art Beat is announcing its 15th consecutive Hispanic Heritage art competition for 11th and 12th graders. This competition celebrates Hispanic Heritage through the visual arts while encouraging higher education… Read more »

Emanuel, Gutierrez Celebrate Citizen Workshop

Emanuel, Gutierrez Celebrate Citizen Workshop

Congressman Luis Gutierrez with Mayor Rahm Emanuel held a citizenship workshop at Benito Juárez High School Saturday morning. At the workshop, residents who qualified to apply for citizenship received help… Read more »

Funding Cuts Threaten Children in Chicago

Funding Cuts Threaten Children in Chicago

The Child Care Association of Illinois recently released data showing confirmed cases of child abuse and neglect are projected to drop in Illinois by 27 percent since 2008. On a… Read more »

Media Gets First Look at Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Media Gets First Look at Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Children’s Memorial Hospital’s leadership and clinicians recently hosted more than 25 Chicago-area reporters and bloggers on tours of its new hospital, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago… Read more »

Nueva Red MamasLatinas Intenta Cambiar la Conversación

Nueva Red MamasLatinas Intenta Cambiar la Conversación

Por: Ashmar Mandou La Fundadora Editora de la revista Siempre Mujer, Johanna Torres, publicación en español para la mujer latina de E.U., se complace en anunciar su empresa más reciente…. Read more »